Coin in Neverland

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Pan rested his hand on the small of Coin’s back as he led her away from the celebration and they had almost made it until a few of the younger lost boys ran up to them.

“Mother, wait!” They exclaimed.

They two stopped and turned to the boys, who were all wearing excited smiles.

“You forgot your surprise.” Cole and Dylan stepped aside for Tootles who held something behind his back.

He revealed a flower crown made entirely from daisies, it was very pretty. Coin smiled and reached for the crown before carefully placing it on her head.

“What do you think?” She asked them.

“You look like a princess.” Ace, one of the younger lost boys, said in awe of the older girl. The other boys made a noise agreement and Coin sent them a small smile. If only they knew.

“They’re right. You look beautiful.” Pan agreed. Coin didn’t turn to him in hopes of hiding the light blush that now covered her face, some lost boys giggled at her reaction.

“Thank you.” She muttered.

“We have something for you too, Pan.” Ace held out a crown made of leaves for the older boy.

Pan raised an eyebrow with a smirk before he kneeled down, allowing the young boy to place it on his head. Pan stood tall with the makeshift crown on his head, he reminded Coin of the cocky princes she would sometimes see passing through town back in the Enchanted Forest.

“How do I look?” Pan turned to the girl standing next to him. He looked good and he knew it.

“You look nice.” She complimented. Coin could play nice, maybe then he’ll tell her what he wants and why he was being so nice because it was honestly suspicious.

She turned back to thank the boys again but they had already left, dancing around once more with bigger smiles then before. She smiled at the sight and followed Pan away from the celebration, she kept her hands clenched into fists in case she had to hit him and run.

He led her for about five minutes until he finally stopped and turned to her with his hand out. She was hesitant to take it but took his hand nonetheless, with his other hand he moved aside the few branches that were blocking her view.

It revealed a river that was well hidden behind trees and there was a single swing not far ahead of them. Coin didn’t understand what was so special about the river or the swing until she noticed a glowing butterfly fluttering by the swing. She stepped closer in awe and slowly made her way towards the swing, keeping her eyes on the butterfly and her eyes widened a bit when she saw a few more glowing butterflies.

“Wow.” She said, softly.

“Their wings are covered in pixie dust.” Pan informed her, “As long as children believe in Neverland their wings will always glow.”

“Can they still fly without the pixie dust?” After the question left her lips she felt stupid, she was sure that they could fly without pixie dust.

“No, these butterflies are different from the ones in the Enchanted Forest. The pixie dust helps them fly and on the rare occasion they might grant a wish.”

“They grant wishes?” She had never heard of a wish granting butterfly, maybe he was just messing with her.

“Not often but they choose what wishes they want to grant and your intentions have to be true. Even then they might not grant your wish.” Coin turned her head to Pan and realized how close they had become. She moved towards the swing and sat, a nice breeze passed through her hair.

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