Chapter 11

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Some time later Regina had been trying to teach Emma how to use her magic for a while and they were getting nowhere, Regina was growing impatient and Emma was becoming frustrated as well.

“Focus.” Regina stood up from her seat. “Concentrate.”

“It’s kinda hard when you’re talking in my ear.” Emma snapped.

“And when the wind blows or it’s raining, or. . . someone’s shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration is hard. That’s the point. Find your anger and use it to focus.”

“No. There has to be a way without going dark.” Emma argued.

“You’re such a pathetic waste of ability.” Regina insulted as she walked away.

“And you’re a monster.”

“You smell that?” Regina sniffed the air.


“Smoke.” Everyone looked at the firewood that Emma had been trying to light and sure enough it was lit. Miranda played with the strings of her oversized hoodie to keep herself occupied when she noticed Killian making his way to Snow, Charming and her.

“We need to talk.” He whispered, crouching down as he glanced over at Emma. “Pan paid me a visit. He, uh. . . He told me that Neal is alive, that he’s on this very island.”

“Emma saw him. He was shot. He fell through a portal. No one could survive that.” Snow shook her head. Miranda winced and scratched the back of her neck, the three took notice of her reaction. 

“What?” David asked, quietly.

“Actually, he is alive. He helped me get to Neverland and we got separated when we landed.” The teen admitted sheepishly.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It slipped my mind.” She raised her hands in surrender. “I ran into you guys and we were looking for Henry. I can’t believe I forgot about Neal.”

“Wait, why would Pan tell you about Neal?” David asked, turning back to the pirate. “What does he hope to gain?”

“Who knows why he does anything? He has his reasons, but it’s a sure bet that they’re not good ones.”

“He’s telling the truth.” Snow said as she looked behind them. “Tracks. . . and scuffle. Someone was here while we were gone. We have to tell her.”

Miranda nodded agreeing with the woman, she wished she had mentioned Neal when she first found the group. Guilt ran through her knowing that it was going to hurt Emma when she told her.

"No, no, no. She already lost Neal once. And if this is a game, we can’t put her through losing him again.” 

“He’s right. Either way, telling her is what Pan wants, which is why we shouldn’t do it.” Hook agreed with the prince.

“You want to find him without letting her know?”

“Why hurt her unnecessarily?”

“She’s not gonna like it.” Miranda shook her head.

“Well you didn’t tell her when you got here so it shouldn’t be an issue.” Killian said looking at her, Miranda gave him a sarcastic smile and flipped him off.

“I’ve never lied to her before.” Snow said, ignoring the two.

“You’re not lying. You’re just keeping a secret until confirmation.” 

“Secrets always seem to keep us from the people we really care about.” 

“And sometimes secrets protect the people we love.” David said as he stared at his wife, Miranda had a feeling he wasn’t talking about Emma and Neal anymore.

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