Welcome To Crete Chapter 63

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After paying a quick visit to see the guests who had moved hotels from Elounda the day before, Fay sat in her car outside the hotel and telephoned Sal to find out when the next transfer day was and if any trips had been organised in the meantime.

'Don't worry, the next departure isn't until the end of the week but anyway are you okay? I couldn't believe it when I heard what happened to you yesterday! I noticed the fire from my apartment but I didn't have a clue that you were stuck in it!' Sal exclaimed.

'Yes I'm alright now. I was petrified at the time mind you but now I'm more concerned about Adam. He spent last night in the hospital with concussion but he checked himself out earlier this morning and he's not himself at all. He seems to have given up on everything. I hope it's just a temporary thing connected to his head injury but I'm not sure...Anyway I'm trying to keep on top of things at work for him in the hope that he will snap out of it soon,' Fay explained.

'I'm sure he will. Look Nick is here and he's asking me about the boat trip today in Elounda, shall I put him on to you?' Sal asked.

'Yes, hand the phone over.'

Seconds later Nick came on the phone.

'Fay, what's wrong with Adam? I've been trying to contact him about this boat trip he had planned for today but he's not answering his phone and the office is closed,' he pointed out.

'He's had a bit of a blow to the head, nothing serious but he needs to rest today so I'll sort anything out you need to know,' Fay assured him.

'Well it's just that it's the first one I've done and I'm not really sure what I need to do or say to the guests,' he said with uncertainty.

'Do you have the list of guests who have booked on the trip?' she queried.

'Yes, Ann gave me the list yesterday.'

Thank god, she didn't know how she would get into the office to get them if not!

'No problem then. Just tick all the guests off and make a note of any no shows. Then if you could just get to the harbour early you can have a word with Nikos, he's really nice. Get him to talk you through the boat trip and just do a bit of a speech on the boat. He may even talk a bit himself, although I'm not sure as I don't think he has done this before for English tourists. He used to take out locals and Greek tourists from what I can remember so I'm not sure how comfortable he will be with speaking English over the microphone,' she informed him.

'I'll be fine, I'll think of something interesting to say,' he laughed.

'Thanks Nick. Nikos will be in his taverna in Elounda square. It's the last one on the row next to the tourist office, but if you have any problems just phone me okay?'

'Sure, I'll pop down there in a couple of hours as the trip isn't till this afternoon. Actually I might pay Adam a visit now, see if he'd be interested in watching a bit of footie. Take his mind off things eh.'

'Oh that would be great! I don't care what people say about you, I think you're okay,' she joked.

He chuckled. 'Thanks for the vote of confidence! Where does he live then? I've never been to his house.'

'Not far from the Kritsa crossroads, on a side road. Turn by the petrol station. Tell you what I'll text you the address, it'll be easier,' she finished.

'Shall I put Sal back on?' he asked.

'Where are you two anyway?' she said, sidetracking.


''The Wheelhouse?''

'Right first time,' he laughed.

'What are you two like? It's a bit early isn't it?' she said, wondering how they'd ended up in there at that time.

'Don't worry, we're just on juice,' he reassured her.

'Mmm,' she said, unconvinced. 'I'll come down there to talk to Sal, tell her to stay there.'

'Okay, see you later,' he said, hanging up.

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