Welcome To crete Chapter 39

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Two days later

Sal sat next to Fay on the deck of the yacht and tried to think of a way to get through to her.

"Why didn't you just tell him?" she asked.

"Sal, I can't, I just can't," Fay said with her head lowered.

"I've never understood why you feel the need to hide this from everybody. You have nothing to be ashamed of," Sal reassured her.

Fay looked up then with a pained expression. "Yes but Sal if I tell him and it destroys what we have, what we had," she corrected tearfully, "then I don't know...I don't think I could deal with that," she finished in anguish. "At least this way it will end before we become even closer and he makes the decision that he doesn't want to be with me after all that happened."

"That's crazy! What has that got to do with you and him? And besides judging by the look of you now, you already have become close to him whether you like it or not."

"Yes but for him to finish it because of what happened," she backtracked, "I don't know Sal...I've never felt like this before about anybody. Breaking up in the past was bad enough but with him...because of that..."

"I can't reason with you when you're like this!" Sal said, suddenly frustrated with trying to get through to Fay. "And it's not the real you talking, it's your bloody mothers influence again! You came out here to start a new life but she's still in your head even now Fay. When will you understand that it wasn't your fault? Nobody cares! Well they wouldn't do if you told them. Not Adam, nor Ruth, nor Pat, nobody!" Sal emphasised.

"I just want to put it behind me now, and when I come back perhaps finally I can."

"Yes, but you're going to lose Adam in the meantime," Sal pointed out.

"I was stupid to have let it go this far in the first place, it's better for both of us," she said with a distant look.

Sal sighed. "You're going to be on your own for the rest of your life if you carry on like this. Is that what you want? Because that's what will happen. And I think that Adam really cares for you, I know he does," Sal said adamantly.

"He doesn't really know me though Sal, he just thinks he does."

"That's your mother speaking again! We all know you for what you're like out here. We don't care what happened back in England. And don't you think that you should at least give him the option to decide for himself, instead of convincing yourself of how he'd react without even giving him a chance to prove you wrong? Think of it from his point of view Fay, he cares about you and you're planning on leaving without telling him why. That must hurt."

Her face fell. "I don't want to hurt him, god that's the very last thing I want. But don't you think that telling him would be just as bad?"

Sal shook her head. "No, if he cares for you as much as I think he does then he'll understand."

Fay became thoughtful for a moment. "But now he's furious, he won't want to listen now."

"Just wait for him to calm down," Sal smiled. "I've seen him like that before but he always comes good in the end. Doesn't he?" she added, encouraging Fay to consider her point.

Fay nodded with a small smile. "He does, doesn't he? Right, that's it," she said suddenly, "I'm going to tell him."

"Good girl," Sal enthused, patting her on the arm.

"Just tell me one thing Sal, do you really and honestly think that it won't put him off?"

"Hand on my heart," Sal smiled, "I don't think that it will."

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