Welcome To Crete Chapter 60

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At ten o clock the following morning Fay was awakened by the sing song sound of her mobile phone ringing on the bedside table. She reached out groggily to pick it up and answered with a gravelly voice.

"Hello," she said simply, lying on her back with her eyes still closed.

"Fay, it's Adam. Listen sweetheart, are you up to working today because I could really do with a hand? Some fires have broken out on the mountainside above Elounda and it looks as though we might have to move some guests in one of our properties out there to another hotel."

She opened her eyes then and struggled to a sitting position. "Oh hell, they must have started because of the high temperatures lately. Yes, I'll come in now if you need some help."

"Thanks Fay. See you in a bit then," he said.

"Yes, I'll be there as soon as I can," she confirmed, hanging up and springing out of bed.


Fay entered the office and Adam looked up with relief to see her.

"I'm having trouble finding another hotel that has room to take the guests," he said, staring down at his computer screen. "I thought you might know of more places than me. You'd be doing me a huge favour if you could ring around and find some rooms. These are the details," he said, passing her a slip of paper. "I've written the hotels that have already been contacted on the back. If needs be we will have to split the guests up, but if at all possible I'd like them to stay in the same hotel."

"I'll find somewhere, don't worry," she reassured him, sitting at her desk and picking up the telephone receiver. "How close is the fire to the property?" she asked as she dialled a number.

"It's at the top of the mountain at the moment but luckily the wind is blowing it in the opposite direction. The hotel owner is concerned though and I don't want to take any risks." His eyes moved over to her then anxiously.

"Fires break out all the time in this weather you know, it isn't the first time this has happened," she pointed out sensing his concern. "It'll be alright," she mouthed as the person on the other end of the phone picked up the receiver.

After a quick phone call to Susie, Fay had scribbled down the telephone number of a hotel in Agios Nikolaos, contacted the owner and secured enough rooms to accommodate the guests.

"You're wonderful," Adam said, moving across to take the hotel details from her and kissing her on the cheek.

"Look, I'll come with you to the hotel and reassure the guests," she offered, looking up at him.

He frowned. "I'd rather you stay here, I'd feel more comfortable with you in Agios Fay."

"You said that the fire was moving in the opposite direction and besides I know the hotel owner in Elounda, she doesn't speak much English so you're going to need me there," she reasoned.

He hesitated. "I'll phone the owner and see what the situation is like now. I think she was offering to transport the guests for me from what I can work out."

Fay picked up the phone again. "I'll speak to her for you, I'll understand more."

He smiled at her. "Thanks. If I was right and they can transport the guests you'll need to give her the details of the other hotel you've found. And find out how close the fire is to the hotel now," he said, moving back to his desk.

She nodded.


Adam got into his car and reached across to open the door for Fay.

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