Welcome To Crete Chapter 55

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At the end of the second week Adam received a text message from Fay apologising for taking so long but informing him that she had sent an e mail containing the information that Pedros had wanted. The messages between them had become more and more impersonal as the time had passed and Adam delayed sending her a reply immediately, printing off the e mail instead, closing the office and heading for Mardi Gras in search of Pedros.

He entered the bar and found Nick chatting to Boycie by the DJ console.

"Is Pedros here?" he asked Boycie.

"Sorry, he left about half an hour ago but he will be back later tonight," Boycie informed him.

Adam turned to leave then but Nick stopped him before he got to the door.

"Can I have a quick word with you?" he asked, leaping off his stool and appearing in front of Adam.

They both took a seat and on impulse Adam ordered a beer, figuring that Pedros might pop back to the bar whilst he was still there.

"What can I do for you?" he inquired, offering to buy Nick another drink.

"I've been thinking about these trips you're organising," Nick began, asking the barwoman for a beer and thanking Adam. "Have you thought about who you want to guide the trips because I could do with some more work and I've had lots of experience guiding before."

Adam had automatically assumed that Nick and Sal would guide the trips anyway; however he now had to admit that he had been remiss in not discussing it with them before then. And come to think of it he would probably need extra guides too as some days Nick and Sal would be busy at the airport.

"Thanks for reminding me," he said. "How about you and Sal sort out which trips you want to guide between you and if you hear of anyone else who is looking for work let me know as I'm going to need more guides later on in the season."

Nick looked thrilled. "Great, I'll talk to Sal then. I was planning on going to The Wheelhouse next anyway; she will most probably be in there. Why don't you come down with me and watch the football?"

Adam looked undecided. "I was hoping to talk to Pedros today, I thought I'd hang around here for a while now that I've got a beer in case he comes back in."

"He won't be back until late now. You'll be waiting for a long time," Nick warned. "Come on I'll buy you another beer. Besides you can't leave me with all the girls in there, they'll natter my head off!"

Adam laughed. "Well I guess I haven't dropped by to say hello in there for a while. I'll leave a message here for Pedros and we can go when we've finished these," he said, taking a large swig of his beer.

Nick stood at the doorway of The Wheelhouse and scanned the bar for Sal. He was disappointed to see that she wasn't in there as he had wanted to talk to her about the trips and confirm them with Adam there and then. They both sat in front of the large plasma TV behind the bar and ordered some drinks from Ruth.

"Hello stranger," Ruth said teasing Adam. "Where do you think you've been hiding these days?"

Adam shrugged. "I've been busy with work so I haven't been out at all lately to tell you the truth."

Ruth bent down to take two beers out of the fridge and she placed them on the bar in front of Nick and Adam.

"Do you know if Sal is coming in here later on?" Nick inquired.

"She's not long left Nick. She said that she was going home for a shower but she didn't mention coming back later. Why?" Ruth asked.

"I just wanted to talk to her about work," he replied, taking out his mobile phone and dialling her number.

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