Welcome To Crete Chapter 30

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Sal was already searching for clothes to wear that evening when Fay arrived home.

"Well I've pretty much packed everything up, not that I've got a lot anyway. You are coming out tonight aren't you? It will be our last night out with me staying here," Sal pointed out.

"I guess so." Fay put her arm around Sal. "I will miss you you know."

"And I'll miss you too but we can still get ready together before we go out and you will have to come over to my new place," Sal enthused.

"Of course I will. I can't wait to see it." Fay sat on the bed in her spare room with a forlorn expression.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look sad; you're not allowed to look sad. Tell agony aunt Sal what's up," Sal said, sitting next to Fay and holding her hand.

"Oh I don't know," Fay sighed, "everything seems strange. So much has changed in the last couple of days and I kind of feel...unsettled."

"But why?" Sal frowned, "Things are going great. You have a great new job, your best friend is living just down the road, and a gorgeous, sexy man is lusting after you," she added with a grin. Fay sighed again and looked to the floor. "Oh, so that's it." Sal said, reading Fay's mood. "It's Adam who's getting to you then."

Fay looked up suddenly and turned to Sal. "It's just that if I give in to him how can I continue working there afterwards? It would be so awkward. And even if it lasted for a while when we did eventually split up it would be just as bad, or worse," she added.

"Hey, why all the doom and gloom? You never know how things will pan out and if the worst comes to the worst you can always find another job. It's not as though you are completely reliant on working there," Sal reassured her.

"I guess...but you know I don't think I'm ready for a relationship of any kind with him. The problem is that he doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer and when we get close...I don't know, it all gets very heated very quickly." She looked guiltily at Sal but Sal looked thrilled at her admission.

"So he has kissed you then?" she said with excitement.

Fay gave a small smile. "Well he tried to a few days back but it all went a bit wrong. That was the night he slept with Jen."

"Oh. I always wondered what went wrong that night. What on earth did you say to him because he was distraught after you left?"

"Well he was being extremely pushy," she said defensively, "so I kind of told him that there was no way I was ever going to sleep with him."

"Ever? You said that you were never going to sleep with him?" Sal asked in disbelief.

"Look, I hardly knew the guy, I still don't really." She fiddled with the handle of the open suitcase that was lying on the bed.

"Yes but you must have some idea by now if he's a decent guy, you have spent enough time with him," Sal reasoned.

"He seems like a nice guy Sal but for heaven sake, considering my track record so far I'm not sure I can be trusted to judge!" she exclaimed.

"Well I can, and I say that he's lovely. And for the record I also think that he likes you more than you realize Fay."

"Do you?" she said hesitantly. "I'm sure he was going to kiss me earlier, just before I left the office," she admitted.

"There you go." Sal patted Fay's arm. "Just be a little bit more open to something developing between you two or he'll give up and you'll never know then if things would have turned out fantastically," she warned. "Come on, let's find you something to wear. He knows that we are going out tonight and he usually turns up."

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