welcme To Crete Chapter 33

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Half way to her apartment Fay had stopped, suddenly too shaken and exhausted to walk any further. She had sat on a brick wall and cried for a long time into Tom's shoulder, after which Tom had managed to coax an explanation out of her. As she described the terrifying events she suddenly stood with a panicked expression as a thought hit her.

"Oh my god Tom, you have to go back for Adam! What if they have got to him? I can't believe we have been here all this time while I could have warned him!" She said as shame and guilt washed over her.

"Look, I'm getting you home first. I'll phone him on the way and warn him, come on," he said, standing up and holding out a hand to her. She stood up but urged him to phone Adam immediately.

They walked the last stretch of the road to Fay's apartment, during which time Tom had phoned Adam four times with no answer. Fay turned to Tom with anxiety when they reached her front door.

"Don't worry, I'll find him. Keep his phone line clear though. I'll keep trying to contact him on his mobile and I'll go back to the bar; or on to his apartment if necessary," he assured her.

"Okay, will you let me know as soon as you find him?" she said, grabbing his phone and typing in her landline number.

"Yes, I'll let you know," he replied.

Fay unlocked her door and walked into the darkness of her apartment at which point she slid down the wall and began to sob without restraint, holding her arms around her stomach and rocking back and forth in distress.

Tom saw Sal and Adam at the end of 'Soho Street' and approached them with a feeling of great relief. Adam had a steely look which went unnoticed by Tom as he began to explain the situation.

"I've just taken Fay home, she had some sort of incident. A man tried to drag her out of the bar and he had a knife..." Shock and horror swept across their faces and Tom continued quickly, "... she's okay for now though. She managed to get away but she was quite shaken, she just wanted to get home so I walked with her to make sure that she got home safely."

Adam's face drained of colour as he listened to Tom and he suddenly sped off up the road, shouting over his shoulder, "I've got to see her now!"

Oh hell! Was she all right? What had he done? He'd got it so wrong and now he'd messed everything up! Damn! Damn!

Adam banged on Fay's door loudly when he reached her apartment. She was still sitting on the floor by the door sobbing into her hands and her head shot up in shock when she heard the noise.

"Fay! Fay open the door, it's Adam!" he shouted loudly. She jumped up and unlocked the door, standing there with tears streaming down her face. He took one step inside, slammed the door and threw his arms around her.

"Fay baby, I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry baby. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he said in anguish, pulling back to take a look at her.

She hung her head and continued to sob. "I'm so scared Adam, and I was so confused that I didn't warn you," she put a hand on his chest, "I'm sorry Adam, I wasn't thinking."

He looked at her in torment and went cold when he remembered the message that he had sent to her.

She couldn't have read it! He had to delete it somehow before she saw it.

"Fay where's your phone? I need to check something," he said, receiving a bewildered look from her. She failed to answer him and he began to scan her apartment for evidence of it.

"What do you want my phone for?" she asked with confusion. Seeing no sign of it in her lounge or kitchen, he moved into her bedroom, desperate to erase the message. She ran after him and rushed towards the other side of her bed, making for her bedside table where the phone was sitting. He dived across the bed and grabbed the phone before she got to it, opening the message and scrolling for delete. She climbed onto the bed and reached out to grab the phone back, shouting at him in anger and confusion. She pulled the phone out of his hands but couldn't get a grip on it and it fell onto the floor with a crash. Simultaneously, they slid off the bed and reached for the phone. Fay caught hold of it first but Adam put a firm hand over hers, stopping her from reading the message that was now in her hands.

"Adam, what are you doing?" she said, close to tears again. He saw the vulnerability in her face and her look of betrayal which generated enough emotion in him to bring a lump into his throat. He pulled her to him then, wrapping his arms so tightly around her that she found it hard to breathe.

"Baby, baby, I'm so sorry. I...I..." He struggled to offer an explanation. "Listen sweetheart, I've made a big mistake and I sent you a message that you can't read so please Fay, let me delete it," he begged. She loosened her grip on the phone then and he took it off her with one hand, finally deleting the message. He threw the phone on the bed with relief and they knelt on the floor together, wrapped in each other's arms as he comforted her sobbing frame.

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