Welcome To Crete Chapter 41

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Fay stormed into the office half an hour later and headed straight for Adam's desk, leaning over it and scowling angrily at him.

"Don't you think you might have told me that your girlfriend," she emphasised incredulously, "was going to be at the meeting?"

Adam looked astonished and shook his head in confusion.

"You know, your girlfriend," she reminded him, "the one with a foul mouth. The one who thinks that nothing here is good enough for her and who isn't afraid to say so...loudly...and in front of all your other guests I might add!"

Adam groaned and ran a hand over his face. "I guess that you can only be referring to Julia. I had no idea that she was coming over Fay, god knows I would have stopped her from coming if I have known."

This took some of the wind out of Fay's sails and she moved back from him then, falling into one of the office chairs.

"Nevertheless she is well and truly here. Oh and by the way, Sal blurted out in the welcome speech that we were sleeping together so she's livid about that too," she said matter of factly.

"Look Fay, she is not my girlfriend anymore. I've told her time and time again but she won't seem to accept it!" he said with frustration.

She contemplated him for a moment. "You may have to remind her again Adam. And while you are at it, have a word about her attitude around the other guests or she'll end up putting everyone off!"

"Oh don't worry, I'll tell her!" he said angrily. "Anyway, apart from her, did the meeting go okay?"

She picked up a pen off his desk and fiddled with it. "I suppose so. The other guests seemed nice and quite a few showed interest in the trips."

He looked relieved. "Thank you so much for that, and I'm really sorry about all the trouble with Julia."

She shrugged. "Don't worry. I kind of shouted back at her a bit though." She looked up suddenly from her inspection of the pen and added defensively, "but only after I got her away from the rest of the guests."

"Yeah? What did you say to her then?" he asked with interest, picturing both of them at loggerheads.

"Well... I told her that if she swore at me again I would throw her out." She glanced cautiously at Adam to judge his reaction but was surprised to see that he looked pleased so she added, "I also told her that we weren't sleeping together and that she couldn't be classified as your girlfriend because you don't live in the same country."

Adam laughed out loud. "I bet she loved that!"

Fay began to laugh too. "Actually I don't know, I stormed off and didn't give her a chance to answer back."

He beamed at her. "Well done! I love feisty Fay," he chuckled, picking up a coffee mug from off his desk and taking a swig of its contents. His expression quickly changed however to a look of horror as he saw the object of their conversation making speedy progress towards the office.

"Oh hell!" he exclaimed.

Julia exploded into the office and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw them both sitting at the same desk.

"Don't start Julia," Adam warned, pointing a firm finger at her. "What the hell are you doing here anyway?" She narrowed her eyes at him and suddenly her expression completely changed. Fay had never seen anyone switch so quickly from fury to sweetness and light.

"Come on babe, I've flown all this way to see how you're doing. I thought I'd surprise you," she smiled.

"That's a surprise I could do without," he said under his breath. "I hear that you have already been causing chaos in the hotel, are you totally intent on destroying my business?" She glanced briefly towards Fay with steely eyes but then turned her attention back to Adam with a softer look.

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