Welcome To Crete Chapter 19

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Oh my god, did he really call her name out? Jen must have been fuming! It was quite flattering though. What was she thinking? It was scandalous!

She glanced up and to her consternation he was looking at her. She swallowed and held his gaze. Did he know she knew? Did she know? A slow smile spread across his face and she looked down but couldn't help the smile that then spread across hers.

After a while she sensed him move away and she threw herself back into her work until she'd lost track of time once more.

"Come on, time we went to the tax offices before they close for the afternoon," Adam said, making her jump as he appeared in front of her desk.

"Okay, I've just about finished here anyway," she said casually. She got up to leave and said goodbye to Ann who winked at her as she left. There was an awkward silence in the car, which wasn't made any better when her phone beeped again. She took it out of her bag and checked the message. It was from Ann. He's so infatuated with you! She closed her phone suddenly and put it back into her bag. Adam looked across at her.

"You seem to be getting a lot of messages this afternoon," he observed. She shrugged and then turned to him as an impetuous mood hit her. "So you and Jen, is there a new girlfriend on the scene then?"

He shot her a look. "No funnily enough there isn't" "Ahh, have you had a falling out?" she said with mock sympathy.

"You know full well we have." She shook her head. "And such a whirl wind romance too."

He looked at her suspiciously. "Fay, I hope you haven't been listening to any idol gossip." "Adam, gossip finds everyone in this town eventually." She smiled to herself.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You little minx! Do you make a habit of torturing men like this often?" She shrugged.

"Well for what it's worth she got me horrendously drunk and seduced me," he sulked. "Whatever you say Adam.... A likely story," she said under her breath. They arrived at the tax office and followed an endless number of signs up a winding staircase.

"A word of warning, we still may be at the wrong office. They tend to send you on a wild goose chase in here," she informed him, walking up to the reception desk. "Thelo Afome parakalo," she asked the woman. "Den ine edo," came the reply.

Fay frowned. "Pou ine?" "Apo'do," the woman said, pointing in the general direction of the stairs. Fay looked back at her incredulously.

"Pou ine akravos?" she asked. "Apo'do, apo'do," the woman said impatiently.

Fay turned to Adam. "Apparently it's back where we came from somewhere, don't ask me where because she won't tell me." She looked back at the woman. "Den milo poli Elinika, milate Anglika?"

The woman tutted. "Ochi." Fay glared at the woman and she eventually sighed, moving to an office behind.

"Okay, she may be finding someone who speaks English, or she may just be going for a coffee. Who knows?" Fay told Adam. "Interesting system they have here," he said sarcastically. The woman came back a couple of minutes later and motioned to the seats behind them.

"Peri meni ena lipto." Fay sighed. "She wants us to wait."

They sat down and Adam glanced at her. "I thought you said you didn't speak much Greek." "If I spoke a lot of Greek we wouldn't be sat here waiting for god knows what," she commented.

"Point taken," he said, crossing his arms and slipping down in his chair.

Twenty minutes later and still no one had approached them. "You want to go ask her?" Fay suggested to Adam.

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