Welcome To Crete Chapter 14

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"So, in case I'm not around and you want to do this on your own, you need to look for the yellow signs in the windows saying 'enikiassis' which means 'to rent'," Fay explained to Sal.

"Sure, but if I find somewhere will they speak English to me?"

"Hmm, you may have a problem there but we'll see what we can get done today anyway. I know I saw an apartment to rent here somewhere the other day." Fay wandered along a row of buildings, looking upwards for any signs in the windows. "Damn, where was it now?" She stopped suddenly in the middle of the pavement to think and Sal went careering into the back of her.

"Will you give me more notice before you do that in future?" Sal frowned. Fay was lost in concentration. She grabbed Sal's arm suddenly and dragged her across the road.

"Come on, I think it's the next road along."

Half an hour later, and several roads further down, they eventually found the apartment that Fay had seen. They entered the building in the hope that they might see someone in there, either the landlord or someone who would know where the landlord was. The building was dark however and showed no signs of life.

"Where is everyone?" Sal asked.

"Unfortunately this happens all the time, if you find an apartment you may take days to get in touch with the landlord. We should ask around too, ask everyone you meet and you never know we may get you somewhere yet. Come on, let's see if there is a telephone number on the sign that you could ring later."

They went back outside and glanced up at the sign but it was worn away by the weather and any number that was once there was indistinguishable now.

"Now I remember why I haven't moved apartments for so long! You will have to keep coming back if you are interested and you'll eventually find someone. Take your phone with you and if needs be I can speak a bit of Greek to them over the phone if they speak no English." Fay said, grabbing Sal by the arm again and dragging her away from the steps. "Let's go up that road, we may find something there."

Sal allowed a determined Fay drag her down the road but prayed that she would run out of steam sometime soon.

They soon found another apartment block with a sign in the window so they entered the dark and dusty entrance hall. At first glance it seemed to be as void of people as the first apartment but then, just as they were about to leave, Fay spotted an old man sitting on a chair outside a room a little way down the corridor. She strolled over to him.

"Do you speak any English?" He gave her a blank look.

What was she saying? Of course he didn't speak any English; he looked as though he were around before English was ever invented.

She tried again. "Ise spitonoikiris?" He shook his head. "Pou ine spitonoikiris?" He failed to respond so Fay gave him a vague smile and strode back out onto the street in frustration.

"No good then?" Sal asked.

Fay frowned. "I was speaking Greek to him; you'd think he could at least utter one word back to me. You'd have thought I was speaking Swahili or something!" She grabbed her arm again. "This way," she said pointing up the road and dragging Sal behind her.

Please let her find an apartment soon, preferably before she pulled Sal's arm out of its socket!

Towards the end of the road they passed a small hotel and a man who was sitting outside drinking coffee watched them looking up at the buildings as they passed by.

"You looking for somewhere?" he asked.

Fay stopped, glanced back at him and then turned with a smile. "Yes actually, we are looking to rent an apartment, do you know of anywhere?"

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