Welcome To Crete Chapter 48

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Fay's doorbell rang for the third time, prompting her to bring her phone call to an end.

"Look I'm going to have to go now, there's someone at my front door...Fine, let's just get it over with...okay, okay, I'm going now, bye."

She ran to the door and opened it to see Sal standing on her doorstep carrying a huge backpack.

"You do know that we are only staying for one night don't you?" Fay said, watching her struggle with the bag as she entered her apartment.

"A girl has to be prepared for all eventualities. Besides, I couldn't decide what to wear tonight so I brought a couple of outfits," Sal explained. "Where's your bag anyway?"

"I haven't got around to packing one yet," Fay replied anxiously.

"You'd better get a move on Missus," Sal shouted as Fay ran into her bedroom, "And don't forget your bikini!"

Fay popped her head back around the doorframe. "I need a bikini?"

"Of course, were going sailing remember?" Sal said, shaking her head at Fay's lack of forethought.

"Oh yes." She bit her lip. "Problem is that I'm not exactly very tanned, I'm positively beige compared to you. What am I going to do?"

Sal pushed her back towards the bedroom. "It's okay, I've got some instant shimmer tan, now be quick, they'll be here any minute."

Fay flung open her wardrobe doors and began to pick out random items of clothes, throwing them into the open bag that Sal was holding for her.

"What on earth is instant shimmer tan anyway?" Fay asked whilst collecting up a variety of cosmetics from off her bedside table.

"You'll love it, it makes you look brown and shimmery all at once." Sal put the bag down and opened one of Fay's drawers, searching amongst her swimwear. "Take this one," she said, holding up a skimpy, coral coloured bikini.

Fay glanced at it with a frown. "May as well be bloody naked in front of him," she mumbled.

"What's wrong now?" Sal groaned.

"Nothing, throw it in."

Ten minutes later Fay was packed and waiting, having changed into a cool pair of black shorts and a colourful red top. On hearing the sound of a car beeping outside, they ran down the stairs, put their overnight bags in the boot and climbed into the back of Adam's car.

"Ready?" Tom asked before pulling away and heading for the highway.

As soon as they hit the highway Tom accelerated alarmingly and Fay clenched the seat in fear.

"Bloody hell Tom we're not in that much of a rush!" Fay exclaimed. "You'll need to slow down in a bit anyway or you'll get stopped by the police. They usually wait not far from here."

"So I've heard. Don't worry, I've been exploring for the last couple of days and I think I've got these roads sussed," he reassured her.

"Hmm, just remember that we're not aiming to break the sound barrier."

"Ignore her, she's always uptight," Sal cut in. "Go faster," she laughed.

Fay put her hand over Sal's mouth. "Do you want to make it to Hania alive?"

They sped away from Agios Nikolaos and wound their way through the rocky mountains with the olive groves spread out below them on the opposite side. Sal gave Fay a mischievous grin and reached into the handbag at her feet to pull out a water bottle filled with a pink coloured liquid. She opened the bottle and took a swig.

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