Welcome To Crete Chapter 43

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Fay and Adam collected the food, paid George behind the till and went back to Adam's car.

"Do you want to give Sal a ring to check that she's in before we call round there?" Adam suggested as he started the car up and pulled out onto the road.

Fay pulled her mobile phone out of her bag and dialled the number. "Sal, it's me...I'm fine, listen Adam and I have got a takeaway and we're going to 'The Wheelhouse' to eat it, do you want to come? We are in the car now so we can pick you up...okay, I'll see you in a sec." She went to hang up then but was stopped when Sal asked her another question. "What do you mean? Did you hear about the burglary then?...You did what? I didn't know that, that's so kind of you...thanks Sal, I really appreciate that...Yes...okay we'll be there in a minute, bye."

She hung up and turned to Adam immediately. "You and Sal sorted out my flat then?"

He smiled. "Yes, I asked Sal to help as I reckoned that she would know more about where things would go."

Her expression softened. "That was really kind of you. Thank you Adam."

"It's my pleasure. You know I don't think that they took a thing, I think that they were looking for something," he hesitated, "maybe information on the tours you've been writing about if I was correct about these events being linked to someone who doesn't want my business to succeed."

"Well they wouldn't have found anything, it's all at the office," she replied. " I've been thinking, it also may have been someone who knows me to some extent because they seemed to know about the key."

"Hmm. Well whoever it was just make sure that you keep your keys with you now. You should also change your lock you know."

"Yes, I guess it would put my mind at rest," she said with a thoughtful expression.

They went to pick up Sal and Fay stayed briefly to have a look around the apartment while Sal bounded from room to room excitedly. It was small but clean and bright, if not a little lacking in furniture and ornaments. Fay made a mental note to look for a couple of housewarming gifts to make the place seem a little more lived in.

When they got to the bar they were greeted by the sight of a group of reps standing on chairs, waving their arms in the air and laughing hysterically. The sound of "Born To Hand Jive' bellowed out and Susie was standing in front of them, resembling something like a conductor.

They put the food down on the bar and Fay leant across to Ruth, shouting, "What on earth are they doing?"

Ruth didn't have chance to answer however before Susie spotted them and called out, "Hey Fay, you coming to 'Mardi Gras' tonight. It's the opening night for the summer season. Everyone will be there."

"Oh, I didn't realize it was opening yet. I guess I'll go down to say hi to Pedros and Dimitris then," she shouted back. "Please don't tell me that you are practicing the party routines for the bar." She looked at them incredulously and the girls giggled.

"We certainly are. The girls here are a bit rusty from last summer and I consider it my duty to whip them back into shape," Susie replied.

"You've all lost the plot!" she laughed, turning back to the bar and addressing Ruth again. "We have brought lunch from 'Popeye's', can you get me a wine, whatever Sal, Adam and you want and then come and help us eat it?"

Ruth's face lit up as she watched Adam pull out the packages of food. "Wine Sal?" Sal nodded, "Adam?"

"I'll have a beer please Ruth."

Ruth was gone and back with the drinks in minutes and she sat down ready to enjoy the food.

"Bill, we have some food over here, want some?" Fay called down the bar when she spotted Bill at the other end watching football on his own.

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