Welcome To Crete Chapter 67

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The following morning Fay stormed into the office and leant one hand on Adam's desk, the other on her hip. Adam looked up from his work and his eyes assessed her with amusement.

"So, should I be looking for another job then?" she asked coldly.

He paused before he answered and continued to watch her for a while with an expressionless face.

"Another job?" he came back evasively.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, since you are apparently moving back to England."

"Well if I'm moving back to England then I guess you should."

She had no faith in him whatsoever!

"Fine," she said, turning to leave.

Adam jumped up then, his cool exterior seeming to slip slightly as a frown crossed his face.

"Hold on, on second thoughts you can keep this job. I have someone interested in buying me out so I'll ensure that they keep you on."

She turned back to him with uncertainty in her face.

She didn't expect that!

"Well I'm not sure that I want to stay on here."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why would you not?"

"When are you leaving then?" she asked, avoiding his question.

He hesitated. "I'm not sure. Why?"

He was not leaving, crazy woman! They didn't need to go now the men had been caught anyway, which she'd know by now if she hadn't run off!

"Look, I may as well get another job," she said, turning away again.

He reached out and took her by the arm. She looked down at his hand on her.

"Why would you want to get another job?" he challenged her again.

If she just said that it was because she didn't want him to leave he'd give up on the pretence!

Because she couldn't stand working there knowing that he was leaving!

"We're obviously not getting on, I just think it would be better for me to leave," she said casually.

"Oh I don't know," he began with a grin, "I think we get on very well sometimes. Very well indeed."

She bristled at the way his eyes ran up and down her body. She went to shake off his hand but he kept a firm grip on her arm.

"And it doesn't make sense for you to give your job up, I'll be gone before you know it," he lied.

She didn't want to work with him. If he was going to go then she wished he'd just go!

"Unless there's a reason why you don't want to continue working here with me until I go?" he questioned, almost reading her thoughts.

She shrugged. "No, no reason. I guess I could continue if someone else is taking over."

He smiled. "That's right."

She smiled back sarcastically.

"Okay so we have a few guests arriving tonight but I'm sending taxis as it's not worth using a coach. I would like you to work though, in case there are any hiccups," he said, releasing her arm and leaning back on his desk.

"I'm sure that you don't need me in here for just a few people. You can deal with any hiccups," she replied, using his phrase.

"Ahh, but you shouldn't be so good at your job, you were indispensable last time. And we don't need to be in here, you can come to my house," he added.

Her eyes widened and she looked at him with suspicion. "Why not here?"

"It will be more comfortable at home," he said.

She growled. "Fine but it will be work only Adam!"

He smiled. "I don't know what else you had in mind madam but work is all I'll be doing."

"Good," she replied.

"I promise not to lay a hand on you... not unless you want me to anyway," he added with a grin.

She wasn't going to be affected by his stupid comments and innuendos.

"Well there won't be any problem then, we're both professionals after all," she smiled.

He smiled back and there was a silence as his eyes continued to assess her. She began to feel uncomfortable under his scrutiny and to her horror she felt herself starting to blush.

"Well if I'm not needed till then I'm off to the beach," she said, turning abruptly to leave.

He laughed. "Be at my place for seven. Any particular beach?"

She sighed and turned her head. "Does it matter?"

"Well, if it's a good one we could use it on a trip," he pointed out.

"We already have a beach for our trips," she replied impatiently.

"We could change it if you know of a better one."

"It's only a small beach, the one we have is fine," she said, edging backwards towards the door.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Why don't you tell me where it is and let me be the judge of that?"

"Listen mister, it's my beach and I'm going there for some peace and quiet so if you think I'm telling you where it is you've got another thing coming!" she said, losing her patience with him.

He shrugged and moved back around his desk. "It doesn't matter, I'll find it."

"No you won't," she scoffed, yanking the door open angrily.

"We'll see," she heard him say before she left.

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