Welcome To Crete Chapter 10

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Sal and Fay walked into 'The Wheelhouse' and Fay spotted Adam immediately. He was sitting mid way down the bar and she quickly moved her eyes away from him when he began to look up. As they made their way to the top of the bar one of the locals noticed them and wolf whistled. Fay smiled and went over to him.

"Hi Bill, I hope you're planning on behaving yourself tonight," she grinned.

He put his arm around her waist and she rested her hand on his shoulder, looking down at him.

"You're looking incredibly sexy tonight Fay, how's a man expected to behave himself?"

"With self restraint," she winked.

"So, when are you going to let me wine and dine you then gorgeous?" he asked.

"Come on Bill, you can wine and dine me any time you want, you just have to ask," she replied innocently.

"Bloody hell, all that wasted time!"

Fay chuckled and turned to the bar to order a drink. She had known Bill for years and he loved flirting with her but they had an unspoken understanding that there was nothing in it. She attracted Ruth's attention and ordered wine for herself and Sal. Then she looked over at Adam, who was sitting a couple of seats down, and waved. He grinned and his eyes widened as they slowly travelled up and down her body.

"Wow," he mouthed to her and she laughed, picking up her drink and looking around for Sal. She was standing chatting to Pat so Fay approached them, handing Sal the glass of wine.

"Hi Pat, hows you?"

She smiled. "Oh I'm fine, everything is tickety boo."

"Glad to hear it," Fay giggled.

Sal leant towards Fay and whispered into her ear, "Told you he'd be here."

Pat watched them. "Hey, if there's any secrets going on here I want to know about them!"

"No secrets, it's just Sal being Sal," Fay said quickly.

"You can't get round me that easily, come on spill the beans."

Sal was eager to expand on the conversation. "It's Fay's new boss, she didn't think he'd be here tonight but I knew he would. He's got the hots for her."

"He hasn't got the hots for me, will you stop?" Fay whispered nervously.

Sal tutted. "Oh, come on Fay, did you see the way he looked at you when you walked in?"

"How did he look at me?"

"Like he wanted to take all your clothes off!" Sal grinned.

"Don't be so ridiculous."

"Ur, I have to agree with Sal there," Pat added.

Fay turned her back to the man in question and leaned closer to Pat and Sal to speak in a hushed voice. "Well he's not going to get to take my clothes off so that's an end to it."

Pat and Sal looked at each other and shrugged.

"I guess I should go and say hi anyway," Fay said.

"Guess you should," Sal replied, elbowing Pat and watching as Fay walked away.

She took a deep breath and walked around the girls towards Adam. He noticed her approaching and watched her every step, making her feel jittery and nervous inside.

"Hi," she smiled, hiding her nervousness inside with an outward show of confidence.

"Hello Fay, you look," he cleared his throat, "different."

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