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Pembrooke, Riverdale

Toni's POV

It was a usual day for a graduating student like me but not exactly me. It's 5:45 pm now and I'm heading back to Pembrooke, inside a car, with my half sister Veronica Lodge.

I can literally feel her death glare puncturing my skin and I can't do anything to lower her blood temperature towards me. I just know she totally hates me. She wanted me to maybe die? Or unborn but she should blame her father not me.

As soon as we arrived, she pushed me off the way before walking inside the house. Well, that happens everyday.

We were welcomed by the noise of the utensils coming from the kitchen which means, it's ready for dinner.

"Here are my lovely daughters!" Hiram greeted while opening his arms for a hug.

"Hey dad," Veronica greeted back while hugging him.

As usual, I hugged Hermione first before going to my father.

"Okay, here's my sweetheart, come here!" He wrapped his hands around me and I weakly smiled at him.

I've always been the favorite one in this house and I'm not bragging about it. It's just hard to deal with Veronica and all her envious takes towards me.

What should I do?

Hiram was seated in the aisle, Hermione to his right and beside her was Veronica, meanwhile I was seated at my father's left, across Hermione.

"Okay, how's school?" Hermione asked while handing me the syrup for my waffle.

"Thanks," I mouthed.

"Oh Dad, it's amazing. Cheryl and I have shared a lot of classes today and I couldn't be happier," Veronica shared looking at me, purposely trying to piss me off.

Yes, Cheryl and Veronica were dating for 2 months now and I don't know if I should be happy that the girl of my dreams, the girl who I was in love with for 4 years, was dating my half sister. I don't know what to feel everytime I'd see them walking along the hallways holding hands, smiling at each other, I just can't. My heart bleeds every second I waste on looking at them.

I gave them a fake smile before grabbing the glass of water.

"Okay, I know you and Cheryl are happy," Hiram said.

Veronica smirked at me.

"I'm talking about your acads. How are your scores in the SAT? That's important especially for your college application, right?" He reminded.

"Oh, yeah. Wait, here's mine." Veronica stood up to get the folder where the results of the exams were piled.

"Here," Veronica said while handing the folder to Hiram.

Hiram nodded as he skipped the pages of the files.

"Impressive, this is great! Now, what course are you going to take for college?" He asked, handing back the folder to Veronica.

"Oh, Dad I'm gonna take up Entrepreneurship and you'll see one day, I'm gonna be a big and well known businesswoman not just here in Riverdale but in New York, too," Veronica bragged.

Hermione smiled at her but then she looked at me, giving me this consoling feeling that made me calm down a little.

Maybe I just miss my mom. She died because of over fatigue that's why Hiram took me in.

"Good choice. Well, how about this cute lady to my left?" Hiram said, pertaining to me.

I looked at him and flashed a forced smile.

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