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10:37 pm

Cheryl groaned while dropping her body on the couch.

"Gosh, Kevin. This day has been fucking exhausting," she whined.

Kevin Keller, her manager, laughed.

"It's been four years in the industry, Cheryl and yet you're still not used to it?" he replied, placing take out bags of food from a restaurant on the counter.

Cheryl giggled. "Time was fast, though. I was so busy, passionate, and focused that I forgot to enjoy my life. I feel like I wasted years of my life."

"Hmm," he shrugged, "wasted? Are you sure?"

"Ugh. Not really." Cheryl sat up and looked ahead, distraught. "Just felt like... I did everything for my mom and now she's not here. She can't even watch me perform."

Kevin sighed and went to sit to her left. "She's proud of you, for sure. You've come so far, Cheryl."

Cheryl weakly smiled at him. "You think so?"

Kevin nodded, smiling. "I know so."

Cheryl blushed and nudged his arm gently. "Hmp, I hope so?"

She smiled and remembered something she was planning to do.

"Oh, uh- excuse me. I actually need to be somewhere." She stood up and went to her bedroom.

"And where?" Kevin asked and Cheryl didn't reply.

Because he was starving, he decided to eat the mashed potato and waited for Cheryl to be back.

"Uh-huh, hold on." He hopped off the chair and blocked Cheryl on her way to the door. He gave her a head to toe read, noticing a disguise look of full black outfit including the cap and facemask.

"Where are you really going?"

Cheryl exhaled. "Kevin... I need to breathe, okay? I can handle myself, I promise. I'll call you if something happens or if I need security and stuff."

"I feel like you're lying to me right now," he replied, crossing his arms.

Cheryl shook her head. "Nope. I'll be back ASAP."

"Okay, fine. I'll text you after I leave your place," he said, going back to the counter. "Drive safe."

"Yeah, thanks." Cheryl smirked.

As soon as she got in her Toyota car, one that she would always use to be discreet to the public, she quickly turned off her location to block her label and management from tracing where she was going. Smart move. She was scolded about it, but she didn't care. She even confronted her label about letting her live her life during breaks because she's a human, not a robot—it worked. 

Riverdale has quite a wide range. Cheryl was permanently residing in the Northside, but because of her work, she had to stay in Riverdale Circle City for convenience for immediate calls. 

Going back to her agenda, after 20 minutes of ride from her place, she arrived in Southside. She parked her car by the road, across from a small house, and made sure it was locked before walking towards the front door.

She doesn't even need to knock. She has a duplicate key of the place. Once opened, the house was almost full dark. There were lamps to give shades of light, thankfully. Smiling, she quietly moved her feet forward and walked in a room where she found the pink-haired girl sleeping and cuddling with the customized, five feet tall, bear stuffed toy she gave her.

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