film project (2)

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7 am

"Guys, are we ready?" Toni asked as soon as she placed the last duffel bag that contained everything they needed for the film on the floor.

They answered with their individual murmurs, but then Nicole said, "Ms. Bombshell is, again, MIA."

Toni flashed the look of disappointment as she sighed. "Fucking bitch," she mumbled.

"Uhm..." Max stuttered, so Toni looked at him.

"What?" Toni asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I heard that you called me 'bitch'," Cheryl said, so Toni suddenly widened her eyes before turning around.

"Oh, you made it," Toni said in a sarcastic tone.

"Gosh, you're just two minutes earlier than me. I had to park my car somewhere comfortable and I walked to get here," she explained, crossing her arms.

Toni was about to say something, but couldn't form a sentence because her eyes got too focused on the girl's outfit. Cheryl was wearing the style that was indicated in the script. The character's fit: white collared blouse under a light blue knit cardigan, denim skirt with front buttons, and sneakers.

"Does this look pass Danica's character?" Cheryl asked when she caught Toni looking at her from head to toe.

Toni cleared the lump in her throat. "Yes. Uh... do you have the beanie? I can let you borrow mine."

"I do have one. In my bag. I don't wanna wear it while walking around, ew." Cheryl rolled her eyes while the others did their taunting faces. "Are we starting yet?"

"Yeah, let me just," Toni grabbed the tripods, "set these up."

Cheryl shrugged and moved to sit on the bench under the shed of the tree.

"Drex, Sarah and Max," Toni called.

"Yup, I'm here," said the girl.

"Yeah?" Max replied.

"Zup?" Drex said, looking on his phone.

"Okay, first off," Toni made her voice louder so that everyone could hear her, "using phones while filming isn't allowed. It's a distraction. You can use it between breaks or if you're not included in the frame."

"Sorry, my mom texted me," Drex reasoned and Toni laughed.

"Dude, I'm not pertaining to you. Thank you for reminding me through that 'cause I had to say it." She giggled. "Help me set these up. You both know how camera settings work, right?"

Max and Drex nodded.


While Toni was instructing Drex, Max, and Sara about the camera panning and placement, Cheryl was secretly staring at her. It was odd for her to admit but she couldn't hide it. She was just admiring, that's what she thought of.

Because of the person's talent and dedication to her crafts, she finds it... attractive?

"Okay," Toni clapped her hands twice, "Cheryl, Nicole, Mella and Paul. Come here please."

The called names did as they were told.

"Okay, so... the first shot will be from that tree," she pointed behind them, "to that post. Then, the camera will move here, by the ladder where you three will be walking on. The next shot will be the bench sequence, you guys are talking about school issues and stuff and Cheryl was like... thinking out of nowhere... yeah? Am I clear or..."

"Yeah, we get it," Cheryl confidently said. "I can't wait to do the waterworks. The start is pretty boring."

Toni rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because being innocent is out of your league."

choni: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now