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Cheryl's POV

"Mom, I said I want to be normal! Human! That's it!" I yelled, stomping my feet on the grass-coated ground while I followed my mother who's wearing a white, see-through lace dress that ended touching the two inches tall, light green carabao grass.

My mom is the best and I am not complaining. Her light blue eyes, which complement her smooth rounded face with her pale skin, are mesmerizing and so soft every time it meets mine, I feel so loved. Her smile gives me this loving comfort I need every time she senses that I am not okay for some reason.

"I said it's not easy to be converted to a human. How many times would I need to tell you that?" she replied calmly, with her soothing voice. "You need to kill a human. Can you?" she dared.

"I don't care what it takes, mother. I'm tired of living in this trap. I can't even interact with people for a good long run of time. I'm tired, mother," I said, exhaling a bag of air from being so silent over it for years.

My life has been trapped in our 'kingdom' where you can see nothing but rocks, walls that were built of these exotic, rough, gray-colored, rounded rocks, fountains with water coming from its natural dug of a hole from below the ground, animals and together with our same kind of species.

Every time I'll ask my mom about our kin, she won't answer me directly. She kept saying "we're enchanted, we're different" as if I'd be able to understand her vague response.

I just want to be normal. I mean yes, I can go out when I want to but with a highly must follow restrictions. I can interact with people when the sun's bright because if it's raining, my sweet scent of daisy flower can hypnotize and its strong appeal can also be dangerous to people with lung problems. If it's evening, my eyes are glowing bright green with a bearable small dot of black in the middle, my skin is shining like glitters and my red hair becomes brighter. The only things I love in my abilities are; I can move as fast as I want and I can teleport to travel from one place to another if I'd think of just about it. Lots of things I can do that could lead to worse if I'm not able to control myself.

It's weird, I know.

Moreover, not everyone has the same condition as mine. Mother told me that we're novel. Novels in terms of family history wherein they would always tell me that we came from the ancient roots of witches but in a good kind of environment. No harm, no danger. Purely of taking care of the environment and keeping the pledges inside the coliseum as what they call it where the podium rocks of ancestors were buried.

My life is so complicated. I just can't comprehend everything.

I just want to feel pain but in a good way. Not that I want to be stabbed and bleed the whole day but I just wanted to know how that feels. Every time my skin would get cut, it bleeds but I don't feel pain. Even if you cut it wide open, it will bleed and be grafted naturally within a minute-completely. I don't understand how people feel love as well and I wanna experience it. I hate how numb I was my entire life, my entire 50 years of existence. Good thing, my appearance remained what I had when I was 18 years old. Never had changed since then.

"Do you want to become a human? A complete natural human?" She asked smoothly and I nodded, looking down while playing with my fingers.

"What things do you need that you can't find here in paradise? Most people would trade their livers with you if they only knew that this place is real," she added, trying to convince me to change my mind.

"Then I'll be willing to trade my life with them. But I know the rules and I can't." I sighed, as I lifted my sight from the ground to her. "The reason is simple, mother. I want to have feelings. To feel pain? To fall in love? I've heard people saying I love you to each other and what does that even mean?"

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