bleeding love

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Cheryl's POV

I dragged Toni, with all of my strength, out of my best friend's house. I held my tears at the back of my eyes despite how embarrassed I am with what happened. She's got out of control. Every damn time, for two months now. She's one main reason why the cargo that I was keeping in my chest in the past months was heavy.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled madly at her when we stopped by my car.

She wiped her nose with her index finger and said, "I'm sorry. I... got jealous, Cheryl."

I pressedly closed my eyes for a second. "Jealous?! Fucking jealous?!" I pushed her by the shoulders. "We're fucking over! Why can't you get that shit in your head?! And because of you, Archie's birthday was ruined!"

She began crying. No, that wouldn't work. I promised myself that I wouldn't give the fuck in.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl," she sobbed. "I love you. I want you back. Please."

I shook my head and finally, my tears got their freedom.

"You treated me like complete crap. Is that how you show your love?" I weakly told her. My heart kept breaking over and over. "I've had enough, Toni."

She moved close and had me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry," she cried in my ears.

I tried to free myself from her arms, but she's got a firm grip on my body. She kept on crying on my neck and I was starting to succumb. No, I shouldn't.

"Toni, let me go." I tried to push her off me a couple of times and I eventually succeeded.

There I saw her helpless face, I couldn't stop myself from being soft. I still love her, but what we had was enough. I couldn't handle the same pain from our relationship again.

"I'm proving to you," she slurred, "day by day that I'm trying to change my rubbish ass... for you. What else should I do?"

More tears streamed down my face.

"You gave me countless trauma..." I called out, my voice cracking. "... I lost my confidence thinking why I wasn't enough for you. That you cheated on me for two fucking times because I lacked something... I fucking hated myself, too.

"I blamed everything I'm insecure about my appearance because I couldn't let you choose just me. I locked myself in the house for weeks. I gave you everything that I have and could, right? You just weren't content with what we have, and because you can't get that thing from me? I told you I can't! Not yet! And that's the exact reason why you fucked someone out there while I was with my Nana, hoping she'd survive stroke in the hospital!"

Toni looked down, wailing.

"Tell me! Is that what love means to you?" I exhaled, my eyes still filled with heated waters. "How did we even get here? I should've listened to my friends! But guess what? I fell so deeply for that fucking person who would just cause my fucking heartbreak!

"So, stop trying to ruin my life again! I'm trying to heal! Go be free! At least you don't have to worry about anyone because you've always been so selfish!"

I stomped my way back to my best friend's house. The music was off because of the scene Toni did. I knew they were looking at me, so I kept myself still. I was trying not to faint; the doctors told me to always be calm because of my condition. I ran upstairs and walked into Archie's room for private silence. I sat on his bed and bawled my eyes out, drained if it would be drained, I didn't care.

I felt someone's hands on my shoulders as they sat to my left. I've always known Archie's presence.

"I'm sorry, Archie," I mumbled, wiping the tears off my face. "I'm so sorry I wrecked your birthday party."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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