enchanted (3)

285 19 7

Cheryl's POV

I have to be honest to what I was feeling last night. I can't sleep even though I should. Toni's presence next door is causing me some stress? Or I don't know. I can't help but be nervous about my conversion. But I have to do it because I want to and at least, I'd be able to say that I lived a life worth dying for.

I got off my bed and headed to the bathroom to make myself presentable enough. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my outfit of just a gray tank top and denim shorts. I was supposed to go to Pops to buy Toni food for breakfast but I smell something delicious coming from outside so I walked out of my room and there I found Toni cooking in the kitchen. She was still in her clothes last night and I felt bad because I should've offered her my clothes. I'm so stupid.

"Hi," I said shyly while walking to the counter.

"Hey, good morning," she greeted, smiling while placing the pancakes on the plate. "Sorry, I used the kitchen." she added, giggling.

"It's totally fine. At least now it's blessed. I haven't used it since I moved here." I rubbed my temple out of embarrassment.

"What? Why? Your kitchen is cool, you know that?"

"I don't know how to cook so I'd usually go to Pops or a restaurant nearby," I replied while watching her fry 4 eggs on the pan.

"That's sad. If only I had this kind of kitchen, I'll always use it...non-stop," she replied. "I cooked fried rice for you and bacon as well."

"Thank you...Oh gosh." I gasped.


"Did you spend your money?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Yeah. I went to the convenience store nearby. It's all good." she shrugged. She placed the eggs on the plate and I helped her move the plates on the dining table. It was a 4-chaired table, good enough for a small house.

"I'll pay you later," I said while taking my plate from her hands.

She shook her head. "No need. This is just a simple thank you for letting me stay in last night. No need to worry about it." She smiled while looking at me softly.

I sighed as I looked down. Here I am again in invading her thoughts.

"Did she not like the food? Fuck. It tastes good to me, though. What should I do?"

"It's great," I said and she raised her eyebrows cluelessly at me.

"What?" she asked.

"I mean...uh...The food is really good. Thank you for these," I reasoned.

She nodded while releasing some air inside.

"Thank god. I thought I messed up, dammit!"

I hid a smile and just continued eating. After a while, I gave her a shirt, unused underwear, and sweatpants to change into while I insisted on washing the plates even though I don't know how but of course, I need to pretend like I know what I'm doing. I stood by the sink, and tried to figure out how to use the soap for the plates. I poured some on the foam and squeezed it a couple of times and it released bubbles! It's so soothing on the skin.

I was feeling the work pretty good and confident in what I was doing. I'm done with the plates and I am now on the glasses. I was wiping one when I heard Toni speak behind me.

"You've been there for an hour?" she said, giggling. I was caught off guard and being a clumsy weird soon-to-be human, I accidentally dropped the glass.

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