film project

763 31 1

this is quite long :))

& sorry if i don't update this book frequently

rqstd by: Kapusta_11


"Why are you frowning?" Jughead asked Toni who was sitting across from him on the lunch table seat. "As you requested, I already ordered your meal."

Toni huffed, placing her bag to her right side. "Thanks," she replied, moving the plate close to her. "Where are Fangs and Pea?"

"Well," Jughead began unwrapping the burger, "Fangs is sitting with Kevin, the same as Pea with Josie. Why?"

"Aren't you asking Betty to sit with you, too?" Toni asked, irritated while preparing her utensils.

"Aww, don't you want me around? I can take another booth if y-"

"Bro, not like that. I'm just asking, chill out," Toni revoked, still bothered by something. "But to be honest, I kind of want to be alone right now. I'm not happy with my project assignment."

"I can leave you alone if you want. But to answer your question, I can't ask Betty to be with me because she's with her cousin. And Veronica and Archie."

Toni exhaled before taking a slice of the chicken fillet. "Speaking of, that hotsmoke redhead named Cheryl Blossom just ruined my day," she said before shoving the spoonful of rice and a slice of fillet in her mouth.

"What happened?" Jones asked, chewing his burger.

After Toni cleared her mouth, she said, "Mrs. Florence assigned group leaders and I am one of them. She randomly picked names from a jar and guess what... Cheryl fucking Blossom is under my list. She's gonna be a pain in my ass," she ranted and Jones snorted.

"Come on, dude. Admit it, she's hot and you're attracted, tss," Jones teased before taking another bite.

"I know. I'm not denying that she's pretty and hot. But her attitude? Her attitude sucks since we transferred here last year. She's looking too high of herself," Toni explained, scowling.

"Speaking of the red queen, " Jones mumbled and Toni looked back to see Cheryl, Betty, Veronica, and Archie walking in looking for a booth.

Toni groaned and rolled her eyes. "Bro, I need to finish this quickly. I'm going to the library," she said before rushing to clean her plate.

"Just call me later. Give me updates."

"We can take that booth," Veronica said, pertaining to the table near the counter. "Will that be okay, Cheryl?"

Cheryl shrugged, unenergized. "Whatever."

"Come on," Veronica said gladly, taking her boyfriend's right hand.

"Are you okay, cousin?" Betty asked and Cheryl sighed.

"I'm not," she replied, sitting down with Betty to her right and Veronica across from her.

"What's wrong?"

"Hold on," Veronica interjected. "Before the tea, Archie will take the orders. Usuals?"

Cheryl and Betty nodded.

"Babe, you know their usuals, right?"

"Yeah, of course. What about you?" He asked.

"Hmm, just salad. Not in the mood for too many carbs."

Archie nodded, smiling. "Okay, I'll be back," he said and kissed her forehead before walking to the counter.

choni: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now