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' ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴀʀᴇ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
sᴛᴀʀᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ᴇʏᴇs, ᴛʜᴇɪʀ
ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙᴇᴀᴛs sʏɴᴄʜʀᴏɴɪᴢᴇ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ. '


"Hmm~ hm~ hmm~"

The sound of a humming and under the breath singing  rang throughout the alley. Slowly a dark figure approached a fire escape staircase that was built into the side of the apartment building. However, the escape was rusty and falling apart. Too much weight, and one was sure to fall. Ironic since this was here to save lives, it may very well take them, and anyone below if not careful.

But don't worry.
The figure had this all planned out.

His smile glimmered in the dark. He walked over to some large trash that was thrown carelessly in a dump beside the trashcans. The figure dogged through it until he pulled out a rope with a grapple attached. Then he looked up at the building, particularly at one of the windows. Stretching and preparing his shoulders , the mysterious figure pulled his arm back, gripping the rope, then threw the rope up, up and away. It flew upwards and hooked itself around a flag pole. The figure tugged at it to make sure it was sturdy, then up he went, climbing the rope like he had done this all his life.

He continued to quietly hum a small tune to himself, a favorite since he was little. He wondered if he also remembered it– the song Kagome, Kagome. A classic Japanese kids game and song.

The figure reach a window still, and carefully climbed onto it. Worst case scenario and he slipped, the fire escape was behind him and would keep him from falling stories down. Even if the escape was rickety and risk of breaking, better risk that than an immediate broken neck or worse.

He pulled his feet up onto the ledge and balanced himself beside the window with the little space he had near it.

Now. . .finally. .

Through the cracks in the window blinds, Shuichi could see Kokichi's room. It was Sunday and now 9:24 PM. Kokichi should be getting out of the shower right about now. And what a surprise. There he was,  a towel around his waist and a damp towel slung over his small shoulders. Kokichi, unaware of the person outside his window, was drying his hair with a hair dryer on the lowest setting while his eyes lazily watched the small TV on his floor in front of him. The sound of the tv and thunder outside in the background, made him unaware of any slight noises outside his window.

And anyone watching him. But there was. Shuichi Saihara.

"Haa..~ Oma-kun.." he muttered repeatedly to himself, almost as if he was in a trance. His body felt so hot, even though it was rainy and cold outside. His eyes never left the person inside the warm bedroom.

Shuichi's hands trailed down his body, tugging and gripping his clothes, his thighs trembled as he watched the other start to dress, even if it wasn't a clear view, it was a view nonetheless and Shuichi's imagination could fill in the gaps from the curtains and blinds covering anything.

Kokichi slipped on his underwear and was picking out a shirt to sleep in when his phone rang. He blinked, then curiously reached over and picked up his phone off his dresser, putting his shirt down as he did.

"Moshi, moshi?" Kokichi answered.

"Hey, Oma-kun," replied a familiar tone.

Kokichi smiled. "Ah, Saihara-san!"

Shuichi almost sounded out of breath. Which made Kokichi frown as he listened to him talk. "ʰᵃᵃ.. I told you you don't need to be so formal.." he reminded Oma, who laughed nervously and apologized. He totally forgot about getting dressed to warm up. Kokichi was too distracted talking on the phone with his boyfriend.

"Um, Saihara-kun, why do you sound out of breath?" Kokichi finally asked. "Are you okay?.."

Shuichi smiled slightly, drool tickled down his chin as he continued to touch himself. "A-ah, I'm running," he excused. But Kokichi wa shocked.

"B-but Saihara-kun! It's going to rain any minute! Haven't you seen the weather reports!?" He asked in worry as he began to walks towards the window to check the weather himself. Shuichi panicked. If Kokichi did that, he would spot Shuichi! That would surely ruin everything..

"I love you."

"....!" Kokichi freezes just as his fingertips grazed against the blinds. His face began to heat up, the ability of speech was stolen from him. That was the first time he heard those words spoken to him so genuinely.

Shuichi sighed under his breath with relief. Then spoke up again. "I love you so much," and it made Kokichi's heart melt and his eyes stare at the floor, too embarrassed to even glance up, which was fortunate for Shuichi.

"Do you love me..?" Shuichi asked, his tone sounding hopeful as he could see how Kokichi was reaction through the blinds. He knew he was getting the cute reactions he longed for. And with Kokichi closer to the window, they were mere feet apart. So close.. Shuichi could imagine himself jumping into Kokichi's room, wrapping his arms around him , embracing each other as Shuichi made Kokichi his...

But Kokichi interrupted those fantasies when he quickly answered after a moment of silence.

"I-I.. I love you, too.."

Shuichi was sure he would come then and there. He panted heavily, holding his chest and mouth to keep any mood sounds from coming out. His beloved.. said he loved him ! The first time Kokichi had told him he loved him..

"You're right, Oma-kun.. It's definitely going to rain. I'm going home.." Shuichi breathed on the phone, hanging up afterwards. He leaned his head back, gathering himself for a minute before he climbed back down. When he got back to ground level, he hid the rope and grapple again before he walked around the corner and out of sight. He lived in the same apartment complex as Kokichi, just on a different floor. He would take the front entrance and go up to his respected apartment room, and daydream over everything that just happened.

After Shuichi hung up, Kokichi stared at his phone for a minute. His face still red. "I can't believe I said it.." he whispered to himself, still embarrassed. He put his phone down and changed into warm sleep clothes before he went to bed, watching the tv until his eyes couldn't stay open, and he dozed off into a deep sleep, screaming about the boyfriend in truth, Kokichi had yet to learn about. But somehow, even in that deep sleep, Kokichi kept tossing and turning, having nightmares; and they were always about Shuichi. He was there holding Kokichi close, but then Kokichi would watch in terror as Shuichi tore off his own face to reveal one of a horrifying monster.

And unaware to both Kokichi and Shuichi, there was another person who saw his classmate do that stunt of climbing up stories with a rope.

"What.. the hell.." he breathed, unable to almost even process that.  What was that ?

Keebo looked down at the sidewalk then back up at the building. He knew Shuichi was slightly off, but this– this was something else. Who's window was that he was climbing up to anyway?

Hopefully, it wasn't anything Keebo shouldn't have seen. But even in the end, his gut feeling told him the answer to who Shuichi was watching outside that window that dark Sunday evening.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· . ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°

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