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' ᴋɪssɪɴɢ ʀᴇʟᴇᴀsᴇs ᴏxʏᴛᴏᴄɪɴ
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ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ . '


During the bus ride to the train station, Keebo hadn't gotten the chance to even try and speak to Kokichi. Keebo sat in one spot of the bus while Kokichi sat in the back with– surprise– Shuichi. Or well, more like Shuichi went and sat with Oma. Preferably before Keebo had the chance of taking the spot beside him.

When all the students got off and got onto the train in their orderly fashion, Keebo pushed his way through closer to Kokichi and when everyone was sitting down, organized by their group, Keebo sat down, grabbed Kokichi's wrist and pulled him to the seat beside him.

"I want to talk to you," he murmered to the other, making Kokichi take the seat by the window. After Kokichi sat down, Keebo felt a tingly sensation in his hand. He never touched people. For so long. Yet instinctively he grabbed Kokichi's wrist like that.

But it seemed Saihara wasn't even that mad Keebo was sitting by Kokichi, because the blue-headed teen said something to Kaito and they ended up sitting together in the seats behind Keebo and Kokichi. Not that Keebo cared what they wanted to tall about. He was more concerned what was up with Oma this morning.

Keebo paused to himself. Concerned . That word wasn't usually in his dictionary. Nevertheless, he shook it off and after everyone settled down and the train started moving, Keebo looked over at Kokichi and demanded some answers.

"Something happen?" He asked, craning his head to the side as he tried to meet Kokichi's eyes, but the purple-eyed male kept averting them and turning his head to the side.

"I-It's nothing–" Kokichi tried to insist, trying to shrug Keebo off. Somehow, being ignored ticked off Keebo in a way. He had enough being ignored at home by his father, and couldn't take it from Kokichi too.

"What's wrong ?" Keebo repeated firmly, yet.. softly, taking Kokichi's shoulders and turning him so he could see his face.

Though when Keebo finally saw Kokichi's busted scabbed lip, he froze. Kokichi didn't bother moving away. He was already found out.

"Your.. lip."


Keebo unconsciously squeezed Kokichi's shoulders. "Your lip. What happened to you?"

Kokichi kept glancing nervously over his shoulder. At first , Keebo thought Kokichi was trying to look away, but then the fact Shuichi was sitting behind them came to mind, and Keebo went silent.


Finally, Kokichi looked up at Keebo with a small, weak smile.

"Sorry, IIdabashi-kun. I, um.. tripped down the stairs the other day and bumped my lip.."

"He did this.. didn't he.."

"Um... IIdabashi-kun..."

"Why... Why doesn't Oma say anything.."


"He just keeps lying for him.."

"What is it–" Kokichi reached forward, but Keebo cupped his hand with both of his.

Keebo was looking down, his hair and hat in his face, so Oma couldn't make out his expression. But Kokichi knew himself was blushing with confused embarrassment.

"Here.. I was gonna give it to you later.. but I changed my mind," Keebo stated quietly, pulling his hands away.

When Kokichi looked in his hand, there was a keychain. It was a small figurine of K1B0. That's right. Kokichi had seen this before. That day he bumped into Keebo and knocked it into the floor... Wait, was Keebo giving him this–

"You like the comics. Keep it." Keebo quickly told Kokichi before the smaller could protest, and turned around in his seat to face away from Oma, indicating he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Kokichi was in such awe, it took him a moment before he spoke up. His words earning a light red hue to glow up on Keebo's pale cheeks.

"Thank you, IIdabashi-kun.."

It wasn't just a thanks just for the keychain. Kokichi's tone meant more, and Keebo instantly recognized that.

"Y-yeah.. you're welcome.."


"What's up," Kaito greeted causally when Shuichi sat beside him on the train. Of course, Kaito found it odd– lately Shuichi had been clinging onto Kokichi like some overprotective lovesick puppy— it made Kaito cringe whenever he saw it in person.

"Nothing much," Shuichi replied politely, sitting down beside Kaito, who was sitting by the window. "Just tired."

"Yeah, well I am too. You said you would help me study, I had to get someone else to help instead." Kaito rubbed the back of his neck. He hated school with a burning passion.

Shuichi raised a brow and leaned over. "Oh. Sorry.. Though.. I'm curious, did you ask Oma-kun to help you study..?" He asked slowly, his tone off. Kokichi usually did pretty okay in school, but Shuichi had more evidence than just that.

Kaito crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. "Yeah. So? What? He doesn't belong to you–"

Suddenly, in a matter of a split second, Shuichi grabbed Kaito by the cuff of his shirt and pulled him down so he could whisper by his ear: "Actually, you fucking dumbass, Oma-kun does belong to me. .." he muttered in a tone shaking from anger. Kaito could tell Shuichi was holding back how angry he was. But the taller of the two didn't even flinch until he saw the look in Shuichi's eyes.

Like a whirlpool of pure, raw despair was raging through them; a fiery clash of insanity and murderous intent flickered back and forth; truly, Shuichi seemed completely inhuman. Even Kaito feared it.

"Don't touch him again.. Or I'll kill you.."  Shuichi whispered softly in Kaito's ear before letting go of him. The so-called mild-mannered and polite and quite Shuichi Saihara stood up and left, claiming he was going to get some water. Though he never did come back to the train cart after that little conversation he had with his friend- whom was sitting there traumatized. Kaito didn't think he had ever seen Shuichi's true colors slip out like that.

And he wasn't the only one hoping not to see them again.

'•.¸¸.•´´¯'••._.• . •._.••'¯´´•.¸¸.•'

𝑴𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 ✓Where stories live. Discover now