ᑕʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ᖴⁱᵛᵉ

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Falling in love has neurological
effects similar to cocaine.


"What are you doing here?..." asked Kokichi, completely confused anyone would come into the showers. Especially when classes were about to start.


Shuichi smiled softly,  a gentle closed-eye smile. He didn't even seem fazed by Kokichi's reaction. The blue-headed teen had walked in just as Kokichi finished washing up, and whom was also quickly fidgeting and fumbling to wrap a towel around his waist , but he couldn't in his rush and simply held the towel  around him like a blanket over his shoulders and closed it shut so he could cover his private parts.

"Sorry. Did I startle you, Oma-kun?" He asked with a nervous chuckle and scratched his cheek, acting embarrassed he might have flustered Kokichi. Which was obviously not true. Even now, Shuichi was struggling to keep himself at bay. Kokichi here so vulnerable? With his body practically exposed to him? Shuichi felt his chest racing rapidly. It would be so easy to take advantage of the other- to peek so slyly under the towel and feast his eyes to a pleasing sight,  but ,  that wasn't why he was here. Shuichi needed to gain the other's loyalty first.

"U-um, I was just leaving if you were wondering..." trailed off Kokichi who tried to quickly walk around Shuichi and avoid conversation as much as possible. Hopefully he could be out of the line of sight soon. Kokichi felt like Shuichi's eyes were burning holes through him. Those gentle eyes gave Kokichi mixed feelings. He wanted to look into them, but was afraid. Somehow Kokichi knew it would be bad for him  and have consequences somehow in the future. "The showers are all yours-"

Kokichi was cut off to someone gently, yet firmly, grabbing one of his hands. "Your hands," shuichi spoke seriously , and caused Kokichi to pause in his steps. "how are they feeling?" He asked,  taking a step or two to face Oma and pulled both of his hands that were helping to clutch onto his towel , and held it to look it over. Kokichi's grip was lost, and the semi-wet towel fell to the damp floor behind his feet.

Kokichi trembled now exposed to the cold air, and Shuichi didn't seem susprised by Kokichi's bandaged hands at all . Like he already ... knew about them.
"M-my hands... ?" Oma repeated quietly , quickly looking at him. He was too taken back to be embarrassed by being naked in front of his classmate. "They're.. fine ." He now felt suspicious rise through his body.

Shuichi stared. Then smiled. He held Kokichi's hands up to his face. "I was so worried you know. That I wouldn't be able to find anything to treat these." He said with a bit of a frown and sighed to himself.

Kokichi's eyes widened. "You did that ??" He gasped with surprise. "Then...then you-"

"I found you outside that night. I saved you. Then brought you to your place and treated those cuts and scratches." Saihara was explaining everything that happened, but made sure he said the word 'saved' pretty clearly. He put Kokichi's hands on either cheek. Gently , of course. He closed his eyes, taking in Kokichi's touch. Then opened them and looked back down at the shorter male. "How have you been feeling, Oma-kun?" He asked kindly with a soft tone.

Kokichi felt his body try and shift slowly away, but Shuichi didn't let go, and so he stopped, suprised by that. "But...how did you know where I was ..!? How did you know my address... !?" He asked , exclaiming his words. But Shuichi answered smoothly: "You keep asking a lot of questions for someone who saved their life. Haha... I just expected a simple thank you.." he laughed , though he came off as passive aggressive. "Didn't you realize that , Oma-kun..." Shuichi whispered,  bringing his face closer to his. "That I saved your life- without me you wouldn't even be here." He told him.

𝑴𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 ✓Where stories live. Discover now