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After the encounter with his classmate, Kokichi had entered the comic book store alone. He wandered around the front of the store a bit. He liked to read here. Hardly anyone came here, and those who did were the few regulars. Kokichi wasn't even sure how this place stayed in business. Sure, the place also sold CDs, some actions figures, a few classic boardgames, and even vinyl records , but it was often empty beside the owner.

"Hey , just tell me if you need anything, alright? Haha, but I bet you already know what you're looking for, huh." laughed an older man behind the counter as he watched Kokichi walk around the store. The purple-headed teenager has been coming to this place for the last two years he's been in high school so he knew the owner pretty well.

Kokichi smiled a bit over his shoulder , waving slightly. "Yeah, I'll be done in a minute.." he promised. The shop owner smiled back. He had a big smile, seemed older 40s, a bit overweight in which his polo shirt seemed too small, large tanned arms and even larger hands covered in grey hair. But he had the smile of a child who adored anyone interested to read the same comics he enjoyed.

"Please take your time, Oma-kun." He replied, waving back and leaned back into a recliner that was set behind the counter and went back reading a SpiderMan comic book.

Kokichi was always the quietest customer who came here. He had a routine of walking in the same direction around the store, then going back and to one particular shelf that carried a long range of comics. One of his favorite series was called 'K1B0: Ultimate Robot'. And as much as he adored the comic book series about an amazing robot created by a great scientist who created K1B0 to help mankind and understand humans and vise versa, the series never sold, so Kokichi often re-read it numerous times without worrying about one of the volumes missing.

"W-whoa!" a quiet gasp left Kokichi's lips , seeming surprised suddenly as his eyes read the comic's pages. He already knew what happened, but was still taken off guard by this series. "Come on...ah ! Yes ! He did it !.." he whispered under his breath, his purple eyes sparkled as he sat on the stained-with-age carpet , legs crossed as he was comfortably leaning against the shelf. Outside was cold and loud, but here , huddled happily in this quiet little shop, Kokichi was warm. The nightmare he had last night was forgotten.

* cling - cling *

"K1B0 flew through the sky - chasing after the enemies jet - the robot's rocket launchers extended from his back.." Kokichi murmered to himself , turning the page. "Dang it... to be continued.." he put the now finished comicbehind him on the shelf. He shuffled around searched the next volume, his finger sliding past the comics, scanning the titles and numbers for the next one, but...

"Huh? It's not here.." he said to himself in suprise,  his finger stopped at the stop where the desired comic should have been. Kokichi checked for any extras of the same volume , but alas there were none.

Seeing as he didn't have what he wanted to read , Kokichi wondered if he should get going. He checked the time on his smartphone. It was already a bit past seven in the evening. He had definitely been here for awhile.

𝑴𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 ✓Where stories live. Discover now