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Dinner that night was feastful. Everyone seemed to be in full swing, and the idea of Kaito not even there hardly occured to anyone's mind, or even that Keebo and Kokichi dismissed themselves early to go eat dinner outside alone earned nothing but some comments.

"Be careful Saihara! I think IIdabashi is gonna steal your boy toy!" one of the male students laughed, causing a roar of laughter to fill the room.

"Haha. I hope not.." Shuichi weakly chuckled back, though his eyes never left Keebo taking Kokichi outside.

"I warned you Kokichi.."

However, outside the classic Japanese inn was Keebo and Kokichi sitting together on the engawa, their feet dangling off the edge.

(A/N: *engawa* like a veranda that goes around the outside of the building that.)

"It's pretty outside," Kokichi commented, holding a can of soda in his hands. The sky seemed so clear tonight; dozens of stars twinkling over the sky that spread out like a dark blanket above the two teens.

Keebo glanced at Kokichi. He had never seen Kokichi look so pale before. Bruises were on his ear and neck, but Keebo covered them with band-aids in hope no one would notice and ask about them. Still, even looking at Oma now, he didn't seem like the same quiet and passionate boy who Keebo knew when the first met– the same person who loved comics and was slightly an outcast– the same person Keebo found himself drawn to more than anyone.

Keebo looked down at his lap. "It is.." he answered, however, not thinking much about the night sky when he said that.

Kokichi pulled out his phone and showed it to Keebo. "Look. I put the keychain you got me on here," he said. The little worn-out robot keychain dangled off the phone case.

Without knowing, Keebo turned red. Luckily it was dark out. He felt embarrassed. "Why would you put that on your phone case ? The keychain is pretty old. Don't you think it would look odd?" He asked Oma curiously, watching Kokichi awe over the decoration like it was gold.

"I don't care," he insisted back, looking over the keychain. "If it's old, then it must mean it was special to you, so... it's special to me , too ," he answered honestly with a small smile directed towards Keebo.

Oh, now it was noticable how close they were. Eye-to-eye , sitting right next to each close enough their thighs almost touched. Even when it seemed the gap between them was closing in very slowly, neither said a word. It just seemed peaceful... quiet.. and blissfully calm when their lips met each other's in a small kiss. It was only for a second before both bashfully pulled away from each other. But before Keebo could apologize for the out of character action, Kokichi looked down and tears began to form in his eyes.

"IIdabashi-kun.. I'm scared.. Saihara.. he said– "

"I don't care what he said," Keebo interrupted . It was true he didn't care for a word that came out of the maniac's mouth. He wouldn't let Kokichi care either.

𝑴𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 ✓Where stories live. Discover now