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"This weekend before summer starts there will be a school trip to Kyoto. Of course only those of you who have been keeping up with your grades and have a guardian's permission will be permitted to go."

That's what Kokichi's homeroom teacher told the class one morning. But a school trip? The students immediately went into cheers and excited whispers; some of the students quietly complained that there was no way they could make the cut with their current grades, and some of the girls were already gossiping about the boys and hoping their crush would hang out with them on the trip.

Kokichi's face reddened a bit listening to his classmates. Of course any student's high school life would feel more romantic thinking about things like school trips; wondering if the romance would be in the air enough for you or your special someone to make a move; or maybe even getting to spend time with your crush. But somehow, Kokichi felt a bit confused. He wasn't looking forward to this trip. He almost felt... left out with everyone else was talking about it. It was like he didn't like hearing everyone else talking about their love lives and how they could be affected during the upcoming vacation they would have.

"Hey, Kokichi,"

Kokichi looked over his shoulder. Shuichi was smiling at him. A few days ago, when the two were walking home, Shuichi acted so strange. The way he gripped Kokichi's hand like that... the look in his eyes– that look– Kokichi was sure he had seen it somewhere before.

But Shuichi smiling now, it was unsettling. The last three days he had been acting almost distant, and hadn't spoken to Kokichi much. Oma was starting to wonder if he had been fooling himself. Was he really dating Shuichi? Sometimes it felt like it. And sometimes it felt like Kokichi was dating someone else– someone.. scary.

"Did you hear? Sensei said that we have to be in groups of four," Shuichi mentioned. Kokichi scratched his cheek. He was too busy being lost on thought to actually hear much of what their teacher said. "So let's be in the same group, okay!" Shuichi seemed quite excited, and Kokichi felt relieved. Why? Why did Kokichi feel so relived? Isn't it natural for you to want your significant other to be happy and or excited ? But.. to Kokichi.. it felt more like he was relived of being scared like the other day. Shuichi had left a red mark on Kokichi's skin where he held him so tightly.

"Okay, Saihara-kun," Kokichi whispered back with a small smile and nod. Shuichi laughed and nodded back with an excited smile. Maybe Oma was being ridiculous. Shuichi seemed fine. Kokichi was just jumping to conclusions; Shuichi might have had a bad day a few days ago; maybe he didn't mean to scare Kokichi.

Or maybe, Kokichi was just trying to make up excuses for his boyfriend.

As the two whispered quietly about the trip and such, Keebo watched Shuichi and Kokichi as the did. The white-headed male stared from the corner of his eye at the two. They seemed fine now. But then again, Keebo noticed Shuichi always seemed fine at school. He acted like a friendly, polite smart student who had a bit of a nerd side. Keebo noticed Shuichi's DR keychains or that he would excitedly talk about the newest season of DR with other classmates. Which wasn't unusual— most people enjoyed the famous TV show Danganronpa. So really, Shuichi didn't act so strange at school.

"Besides the way he acted the other day when he was walking home with Oma,"  Keebo thought with one last glance at said male before looking back at his textbooks. "What will he do if he goes to the school trip? No doubt he'll get Oma to go too..."


"H-hey, IIdabashi-kun,"

Keebo blinked then looked up. Kokichi was standing by his desk. Class had just ended awhile go, but classmates were too busy talking about the trip, so nobody really left yet.

"Yes?" Keebo asked, giving Kokichi his attention.

"W-well, for the trip, we have to be in groups of four, so.." Keebo already saw where this was going, and began considering his answer. "Maybe would you like to be in mine and Saihara-kun's group?"

"Would Saihara be okay with that?" Keebo asked, raising a brow. But Kokichi nodded his head.

"Actually he suggested to me first to invite you."

Shuichi suggested it? Keebo must've looked visibly confused by that, because Kokichi quickly added- "But I.. I really wanted you to come too! Honestly.. even if he didn't suggest it.. um.. I was gonna invite you anyway.." Kokichi admitted shyly, messing with his sleeves and averting his gaze to the floor. Keebo's eyes widened slightly. Then, he suddenly found himself looking away as well. Why did the idea of Kokichi wanting to invite him make Keebo feel so at ease?

"I have a bad feeling about this," Keebo glanced at Shuichi, who was talking to Momota about something. "But... I can't just really leave Oma alone with that guy."  Keebo sighed under his breath. He never really pushed himself into other people's lives. Why was he doing it now as of late? And it wasn't just anyone's lives; Keebo was poking his nose into the business between Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Oma; two people Keebo was sure he would never associate himself with.

Yet here he was, almost wanting to go on this trip with Kokichi. But that was surely just because he was worried something might happen to Kokichi. Wait, he was worried about Kokichi?.. Since when? Keebo made it a rule to never bother himself with other people, but here he was.

"I.. haven't been to a school trip in awhile. My Dad always wants me to get out there anyway, so.. sure. I'll join your group.." Keebo slowly answered, and Kokichi's face lit up a bit.

"Awesome! I'll go tell Saihara-kun!" Kokichi exclaimed, quickly walking back over to his desk that was near Shuichi's. Keebo was guessing Kokichi told him his answer, because Shuichi's smile grew at whatever Kokichi said to him.

Still, this entire trip didn't make Keebo feel so excited. He wasn't looking forward to it. Something bad felt like it was going to happen, Keebo had a bad feeling, and he was sure whatever was going to occur, Shuichi wouldn't be far away from it.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· . ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°

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