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'I love you' has more
of an emotional effect
when whispered in the left ear


School days surely did become more interesting after that. The fact that Kokichi and Shuichi were now dating spread like wildfire. Ear to ear, whisper from whisper, rumors and gossip about the two continued around school like wildfire. Most students would most likely pass it off as nothing but as rumors. After all, Kokichi Oma, dating someone as mild mannered, shy, and kind as Shuichi ? Never in a million years. Who would like Oma anyway ? Our polite, shy school prince Saihara ? No way. It just wasn't possible. A nobody like Oma should be with a nobody like Keebo Idabashi if anything.

Speaking of Idabashi, Kokichi hadn't seen him since the brief encounter outside the comic book shop. And it wasn't until Kokichi was heading back to homeroom he bumped into him again- this time as Keebo was exiting homeroom and Kokichi was going inside.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" Kokichi apologized quickly, doing an apologetic bow afterwards.

Keebo dusted himself off. He seemed slightly taken back by Kokichi suddenly here, and even more Kokichi dared to make physical contact with him, but Keebo ignored him. He hummed showing he acknowledged Oma at least before walking around him and heading down the hallway. However, Kokichi noticed something, resembling what was probably a keychain, fell out of Keebo's bag and landed on the floor. Out of curiosity, Kokichi leaned down and picked it up. His eyes widened. "This is-"


Suddenly Keebo swiped the small keychain Kokichi had picked up out of Kokichi's hand and clenched his fist to hide it from view. It was so out of nowhere, and it had taken Kokich back and startled him so much, he actually found himself tearing up a bit- most likely from embarrassment. Or maybe it was because of Keebo's cold and intimidating aura that went from
100 to 1,000 in a second. Kokichi was always easily startled, and already felt like he did something wrong. Even though part of him knew he didn't.

"I'm sorry.." he mumbled quietly, his hands squeezing each other as he pulled and bent his fingers nervously. His gaze downwards. "I'm-"

"Oma-kun?" asked a soft and kind voice, and a hand was gently placed on his shoulder, snapping him out of any daze he was in, and his head lifted up, and he saw Shuichi standing behind him.

"What's going on?" He asked, sending a small smile Kokichi's way before looking at Keebo in front of them. Unknowingly to Oma, Shuichi was sending a cold stare Keebo's way- yet it was hidden behind mellow golden eyes Kokichi couldn't see past. Shuichi acted surprised to see Keebo. "Ah," his smile got bigger. He looked happy. "You're IIdabashi- san, right ? Haha , I'm Shuichi Saihara." He introduced. "Sorry, I'm going to have to take my boyfriend from you." He chuckled, scratching his cheek with his free hand. "We have a date you see.."

Kokichi's eyes widened.

"We have.. a date..?" He thought.

Though, Keebo even seemed slightly susprised, but he didn't make much of an emotion, just his gaze shifted to Kokichi. Then back to Shuichi. "You two are dating?" He noted out loud in an uninterested tone.

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