- Insecurities -

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L X Insecure! Reader

Description = You  feel a bit insecure around L.


You and L had been dating for a bit, and he's never seen your bare face before.

Wether it be, foundation, lip gloss, eye liner, eyeshadow, mascara, you always wore something.

It was a regular day with the Task Force looking for Kira, while L was filing paperwork.

You were helping L when you saw Matsuda struggling to pick up the water cooler. It was his turn to refill it but he was having trouble lifting the heavy plastic bottle.

You smile and continue to work.

As you were working, you heard him laugh in satisfaction as he had managed to lift the bottle.

He started to walk to where you and L were sitting.

What you and L had failed to notice was that a single sheet of paper had fallen off the table and was now on the floor.

Matsuda continued to walk before slipping on the piece of paper.

It was as if the scene was in slow motion.

L had gotten up, attempting to catch Matsuda.

His attempt was in vain as he saw Matsuda crash onto the floor.

You on the other hand were shielding your computer and paperwork from the attack of water.

The entire bottle had spilled on you.

You were soaked from head to toe and chilled to the bone.

Matsuda immediately got up and started to apologize.

You told him not to worry, as non of your expensive items had been damaged.

He reached into his pocket and handed you a towel.

You gladly accepted it, and wiped your face.

You thought nothing of it at first, but then you saw the foundation and mascara smudged on the towel.

You gasped and dropped the towel.

Matsuda looked over at the towel.

" Oh you got your makeup on it? Don't worry I can always get a new one." He says and smiles.

You nod and look at the floor.

" You should probably go and get out of your wet clothes. I can go ask Misa Misa if she has any spare clothes." Matsuda says, trying to help as he had felt guilty you were soaked in water.

" Y-Yeah please do." You say continue to stare at the ground.

L had left to get you a towel and came back.

He wrapped the towel around your shoulders.

You grabbed a side of the towel to cover your face.

" (Y/N), why have you never shown your bare face to me before?" L asks, helping you dry your hair with another towel.

" B-Because I get a bit insecure around you." L's eyes widen in disbelief. You're insecure? He should be the one that's insecure, you're drop dead gorgeous.

" You are 100% incorrect. (Y/N), I don't care about what you look like. I love you for who you are, not for what you look like. You'll always look stunning, with or without makeup ."He says and gives you that heart warming smile.

You began to cry, making your dry face become stained with tears.

You give L a giant hug, crying into his chest.

Even though you were soaking wet, he hugged back giving you small kisses on your head.

Once you let go, you had realized that you had gotten L wet too.

You and him to laugh before L continued to dry your wet hair.

You were happy that it was Matsuda's turn to refill the water cooler.

(A/N: We're 10 one shots away from our 50th one! Thank you for supporting me and reading my work! I love you guys!)

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