- Sick of this repeated seesaw game -

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Heartbroken! L x Heartbroken! Reader

(A/N: Trivia : Seesaw by BTS' SUGA is my absolute favorite song. This has been my favorite song ever since the 'Love Yourself: Answer' album came out. I will also be translating the lyrics from Korean to English!)

= L's relationship hasn't been doing very well...


It was a good start
The ups and downs, themselves

L looked at his computer as he thought about you. All the happy memories that you and him had shared. He even thought about the rough ones as well.

Before I knew it, we grew tired
With meaningless emotional drains

" L! Get your cake out of the kitchen! I'm tired of you leaving your god damn sweets every where!" (Y/N) yelled at the black haired man.

" Yeah? Well I'M sick of you leaving all of your fricking paint and canvases around the living room!" Yelled L as he threw her canvas on the ground

L cringed as he though of the rough memories.

" L-L? Could I have a hug please? I r-really missed you." (Y/N) said as she looked at the floor.

L walked in front of her and embraced her. She wrapped her arms around the pale man.

" I love you L."

L frowned, missing your warmth.

Repeated seesaw game
Now, I'm so sick of this
Repeated seesaw game
We're getting sick and tired of each other

L sat there thinking about how he and his love argued about every little thing. With out thinking, he smashed his cup of tea on the floor and walked into his room.


Were the petty arguments the start?
The moment I became heavier than you
Because there have never been parallels in the first place.

You were painting as you though about L. 'We're the petty arguments really necessary? I could have just asked him to put his cakes away' she thought as she painted the sky a blur of yellow, orange and pink.

Maybe it was my greed trying to match myself with you
If it was love, and if this is what love means
Is there really a need to keep repeating ourselves

As you painted, all you could think about was how you wanted to apologize to L.

We're tired of each other, yet seem to be holding the same cards
Well, then

" Have we really grown apart that much?" You asked yourself as you painted the clouds a light yellow. There had been ups and downs, just like any other normal relationships.

" We're going up and down, almost like a seesaw-" You gasped as you dropped your brush on the ground. " T-Thats it..! W-Were stuck in a r-repeating seesaw g-game."

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