- Ouch -

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L X cheated on! Reader


L noticed that you had been acting strange.

Usually you came into work, energized and motivated to catch Kira. But lately, you would walk into headquarters with a frown on your face and your shoulders slumped.

He wanted to see if you were alright but he didn't want to intrude on your personal life.

One morning when the Task Force was getting ready to start the day, you walked in with your uniform wrinkled and your eyes swollen and bloodshot.

" (Y/N)! Are you alright?!" Misa asked as she handed you a towel.

You gave her a sad smile and nodded.

" Y-Yeah I'm fine. Just wasn't feeling my best today." (Y/N) explains to their friend.

" Well I don't want to see you upset. I'm about to go out, did you have breakfast yet?" She asked. You shook your head no.

" I'll get you breakfast then! Actually, I'll get everyone breakfast!" She yells and walks out of the building.

Everyone looks at Misa confused and continues to work.

" Well, time to work." You said to yourself and sit at a desk.


Throughout the day, L would notice you wipe your eyes and sniffle.

" (L/N), are you alright?" He asked.

You looked up from your paperwork and nodded.

" I can tell when people are lying to me. Please tell me what's wrong." He says and bites his thumb nail.

" It's nothing real-" " (L/N)." You sighed.

" My (S/O) cheated on me." His eyes widened for a moment before returning to their normal state.

" I see. Do you have any idea why?" He asked and grabbed a cup of tea.

" They said it was because I was spending too much time working and not enough time with them. I personally think that's a shitty excuse." You say and click your pen.

L nods and piles sugar cubes onto his tea cup.

" So instead of talking it out like any rational person, they decided to go behind your back and cheat on you?" He asks. You nod in response.

" I know they're not worth crying over but it just really hurt knowing that they didn't love me as much as I loved them." You say and look at your feet.

" Sorry for the rant and my lack of motivation, I just haven't been feeling my best lately." You tell L.

" You don't have to apologize. Although I've never been in a relationship myself, I can imagine how much it would hurt to be heartbroken." He says and takes a swig of his tea.

" Thanks Ryuzaki. Say um...do you wanna have dinner sometime? As a thank you for making me feel better." You ask him.

" There's really no need. I don't go out much as it is." He tells you.

" Oh well...here!" You reach into your brief case and pull out a bag.

" They're cookies. I baked them myself." He grabs the bag and takes one out.

" Delicious. Thank you (Y/N)." In a matter of minutes, all the cookies had been eaten by L.

You smiled and laughed.

" If you like them that much then I can make you more." You say.

" Yes that would be nice." He says and licks the crumbs off his fingers.

" I'll bake more tomorrow then!" You say and smile.

" We should get back to work." L tells you and returns to his desk.

" Thanks Ryuzaki!" You thank him and continue your work.


- Time skip -

It had been about a year since you've started making L cookies.

You would come to work, stop by L's desk to drop off the cookies, sit down and talk with him for a few minutes, and then go back to work.

It stayed that way until today.

Before you left L grabbed your hand.

" Do you remember when you invited me to dinner and I declined, and you gave me your cookies instead?" He asked.

You nodded your head. " Of course I do. That's how we became friends." You respond with a smile.

" Well, I was wondering if you would except my invitation to dinner." Your eyes widened a bit.

Was he asking you out?

Maybe he just wanted to give you something for making him cookies.

Either way, you were going.

" I'd love to go!" You tell him.

He gives you a small smile and tells you what time to meet him there.

" I'll see then (Y/N)." L says and waves goodbye.

You smile and wave back.

'I'm kinda glad that my (S/O) cheated on me. It sounds weird but now I'm going to have dinner with L.'

You think to yourself and sit at your desk.

You couldn't wait for dinner.

(A/N : I know this was really crummy and short but nonetheless I hoped you liked it!)

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