Description : It's reader's birthday!。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
" Happy birthday (Y/N)!" Misa yelled as she threw confetti at your face.
" T-Thanks Misa." You say and spit out a purple piece of confetti.
" Everyone! We're having dinner at 6:00 to celebrate!" Misa said happily.
" Misa, we have work to do." L says and bites his thumb.
" There'll be cake." She says and rolls her eyes.
" ...We should definitely celebrate (Y/N). After all, it's the day you were born." L says, fantasizing about all the sweets.
You laugh and continue to work.
I wonder if L actually wanted to celebrate my birthday? Was it just for the cake?
You thought to yourself. The sugar obsessed man had caught your heart and you wanted to ask him out, but he was your "boss" so to speak and it seemed wrong.
6:00 rolled around fast and it was time for dinner.
" OHHHHH, (Y/N)!!!" Misa yelled from upstairs.
" Oh god," You deadpanned.
" Heh, looks like you're about to get a makeover (Y/N)." Aizawa snickers, pointing to Misa carrying her bag of make up.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you turn around to go to the bathroom before you feel someone grab your arm.
" Where are you going (N/N)? We have to go get ready" Misa says and drags you up the stairs.
" Okay (Y/N), go change into this." She says and hands you an outfit.
It looked comfortable enough so you went to put it on.
" Can we go now? I haven't eaten since breakfast." You ask and frown as you see Misa shake her head no.
" I have to comb your hair, you want to look nice for Ryuzaki right?" She hinted.
Your face turned pink in embarrassment.
" Quiet! He's going to hear you!"
" Relax, he's downstairs!"
Misa didn't want to remind you that there were cameras and microphones in the room to spare you your own embarrassment, so she decided to keep her mouth shut.
Although back with the rest of Task Force...
" I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!" Matsuda shouted.
" HAND IT OVER AIZAWA!" He yelled and stuck his hand out in front of Aizawa.
" Why do I keep placing bets with you?!" He sighs and hands him a $20 bill.
L's face was pink.
You just admitted to liking him.
That was just the confirmation he needed, he could, with confidence, ask you out.
" Looks like someone's got a crush on you Ryuzaki." Light laughed. (PTSD from the last episode)
" I-I'm sure they were joking." He was trying to make sure that Light didn't catch on to his plan on asking you out.
Light's cell phone rang. It was Misa.
" Hel-" " MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE MENTIONS (Y/N) 'S CONFESSION." Misa whisper - yells.
Light reassured her that they wouldn't and hung up.
A couple minutes later, you and Misa walked down the stairs.
Matsuda was struggling to control his laughter, while Aizawa was telling him to shut up.
Light and his dad were talking and L was admiring how amazing you looked.
" Alright everyone! Let's go!!" She says and walks to the door.
Task Force starts to follow her out the door. You walk towards the door before hearing L say your name.
You turn around and smile at him.
" Yeah? Did you need something?"
It's now or never L.
He thought to himself.
" I just wanted to say happy birthday, I,, look (Y/N), I really like you and I wanted to know if you'd like to get tea sometime. Extra sugar of course."
He says and kicks one foot behind the other.
Your smile gets even wider as lean forward to kiss his cheek.
" I would love to Ryuzaki!" He smiles and takes your hand in his.
As your walking to the door, rainbow confetti is thrown at your face.
" Good thing I did your hair!" Misa laughs.
" Yeah, good thing." You say and spit out another piece of purple confetti.
(A/N : It's my birthday!😀)