Sorry for not posting in awhile, I haven't had the motivation to do anything other than listen to My Chemical Romance and Green Day while drawing😀。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
• Blanket forts? Yes
• Cuddles? ✨fuck yes✨
• I feel like L would have little house plants around his work space to keep him company
• He would be the type of person to have either really neat and organized handwriting and notes or messy and unorganized handwriting with doodles on the sides of his notes. There's no in between
• He would bake you something for your birthday even though your better at baking
• You'd have a contest to see who can tie two cherry stems together the fastest (he wins)
• I feel like he would enjoy back messages because of his posture (I can 100% relate, I fucking stand like Ryuk)
• He'd have a bruise on his forehead from accidentally leaning too close to the computer and smacking his forehead on it multiple times
• He'd be so good at video games, like he'd make the smartest choices and have the best strategies
• I feel like if you made him watch a horror movie with you, he wouldn't jump at any of the jump scares. He wouldn't even flinch. Would respond with
" I saw that coming a mile away."• He would enjoy helping you paint your nails (If you like doing that, I personally like painting mine black and red)
• He wouldn't hesitate to drop kick Light again if he says anything rude about your theories of Kira.
• L wouldn't be used to physical contact so if you ever wanted to hold hands or something like that, he'd sorta shift his hands away until he got comfortable enough to do it without moving away
• He'd like MCR and Mother Mother
• His favorite songs (based on what I've listened to) I think would be 'The End.' 'Helena(So long and Goodnight)' ' Burning Pile' and ' Oh Ana'
• He'd get you a shitload of stuffed animals
• You guys kept commenting about how I spelt 'water' instead of 'whatever' in my first head cannon oneshot, so I'm using it against you.
• He wouldn't drink plain water, he'd have like sparkling water or lemon water. Just something sweet
• (Ha I used your joke about my spelling against you, how you like that?🐗)
• He would let you draw on his arm with a marker or pen. One time you did it and his sleeve accidentally rolled back and everyone saw the doodles on his arm
• He would tell you he loved you every time you talked.
(A/N: Hope you enjoyed the water one.)