{Still With You...}

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(A/N: I kept listening to this song
when I got the idea. Also, Jungkook's
Voice is amazing!)

Dead!L X Reader

It had only been a month since your husband, L Lawliet had passed away. You weren't at Task Force the day he died, so that made you more upset then you already were.

" Hey, (Y/N). You have to eat. You haven't come out of your room in days." Matsuda had been making sure you were still alive and eating. " I-I'm not hungry..." You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand for what seemed liked the tenth thousand time.
Matsuda left and went to go get the chief.

You later heard a knock at your door. "Y-Yes..?" You stuttered." (Y/N), it's me and the chief. Can we come in?" You froze. You hadn't seen anyone face to face in weeks. " S-Sure..." You kept your head down when you heard the door handle turn.

" (Y/N), you have to eat. Something. Anything. Just please, eat." The chief said, both hands on your shoulders. " Yeah. Tell us what you want." Said Matsuda, looking at you for an answer. "I-I want... a s-slice of strawberry cake. C-Could you also bring a cups o-of tea?A-and add lots of sugar." You said and smiled to yourself. " We're on it don't you worry!" Said Matsuda as he and the chief left. You smile and look up at the ceiling. " Oh Lawliet. W-Why did you have t-to leave me?" You asked and sobbed a bit.

You closed your eyes when you felt arms wrap around you. You looked behind you and saw L. You gasped and wrapped your arms around him. "Lawliet! You look the same!" Well- he ALMOST looked the same. This time, L had a halo and wings on him. " (Y/N). Oh how I've missed my sweet
(Y/N)..." He whispered. " I can't be here long, but remember, I love you and always will." He said and kissed you. " I'll tell Watari I got to check on you. So don't worry, okay? I'll always be watching over." He said. L was slowly disappearing. " I'm Still With You..." He was gone now. You closed your eyes and smiled as a tear fell from your cheek. " I love you L , now till forever."

「 Four Years Later」

Kira has finally been caught. The world had now been freed from him. You were walking to the grave yard with a lollipop and flowers in hand. You approached the grave with the name 'L' on it. " Hello dear. We finally stopped Kira. Light Yagami is dead. You can rest knowing Kira is gone." You said and left the lollipop on his grave. " I hope I'll be able to meet you in heaven someday. I love you Lawliet." You then walked to Watari's grave and placed the flowers on top. You walked away a few steps before turning back and smiling. You could've sworn you saw L smiling back at you with Watari right next to him.

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