{Hard Worker!}

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L X Detective!Reader


" Any new information on Kira?" You asked Light.
" We found that all of the killings have benefited the Yotsuba group. So we believe that Kira is apart of Yotsuba." 'Yotsuba? Well that would explain why the deaths have only effected other companies.' You thought to yourself.

" You shouldn't bite your nails you know." Misa's talking broke you from your train of thought. " I am not biting my nails. I'm simply putting my thumb on my lip." Ryuzaki stated. " Ugh, (Y/N), tell your boyfriend to unhand-cuff Light so we can go on a date! Don't you wanna go on a date with Ryuzaki too?" You turned your head towards Misa. " Dates can wait. I don't mind Ryuzaki having to be handcuffed to Light."
     『 Time Skip 』

It was now about 1:00 in the morning, and you were going over papers with Ryuzaki as Light was taking a nap. It was silent until Ryuzaki spoke your name.
" Yes?" You turned to him. " I apologize that I can't take you out on dates due to certain circumstances."
Your eyes widen a bit. Chuckling , you put your hand on top of Ryuzaki's head. " Don't worry about it L, as long as I get to see you and be around you is enough for me." Ryuzaki wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted your chin for you to face him.
" I'm glad to hear that. You being with me is also enough." You closed your eyes and felt slightly chapped lips kiss your soft ones. You wrapped your arms around Ryuzaki's neck to deepen the kiss.

You would have continued if not for the fact that Ryuzaki was still handcuffed to Light. As your lips slowly parted, you placed your thumb on Ryuzaki's cheek, slowly rubbing circles on it. " I love you L."
" I love you too, (Y/N)." You yawned. " Tired?" L asked you. " Yeah, a little." Ryuzaki was extremely warm and it felt amazing. " L, can you sing to me till I fall asleep?" You heard him let out a noise of surprise. " I haven't sang for anyone before."
" Please?" Ryuzaki sighed. " I'll try for you." You smiled and snuggled your face closer in his chest.
" Zero O'clock. Ooh ooh and you gonna be happy. Ooh ooh, and you gonna be happy. Turn this all around, 모든 게 새로운 zero o'clock." Ryuzaki looked down and saw you fast asleep. He smiled and placed you on the couch with a blanket. " Goodnight (Y/N), I love you." He kissed your forehead and went back to checking papers.


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