L X Christmas Loving! Reader
Okay so I know it's not Christmas but I probably won't be able to write a story ON Christmas because I'm getting flooded with school work. Soooo, take this as an early Christmas present!
Red and green colored blinding lights. They were strung up in the head quarters.
You had always loved Christmas. You loved hanging up lights and wrapping gifts.
The Task Force was currently having a holiday party and it was in full swing.
" Hey Matsuda!" You yelled at the cowardly man.
" Yeah (Y/N)?" He turned to face you.
" Catch!" You threw a present at him and laughed as it smacked his face.
" O-Ow, but thanks!" He says and opens it.
You happily smile and continued to hand out presidents.
" OH. MY. GOD. A NEW PAIR OF PLATFORMS! HOLY SHIT (Y/N) THANK YOU!!" Misa yelled and hugged you.
" N-No problem Misa," You say and pat her back.
" Oh! While you're here, could you give this to Light for me?" You say and hand her a box of pens.
" Yeah for sure!" She says and walks away.
" Watari!" You say and run up to the older gentleman.
" Merry Christmas and a happy new year!" You laugh and hand him a wrapped box.
" Oh my. Thank you (L/N)." He says and bows.
You handed out gifts until you only had one left. That present was for L.
You've been crushing on the black haired man for a year now, and you thought it was time that you should confess.
You waited for Christmas because that gave you an excuse to actually give him something without it being odd.
You ran around the head quarters until you finally found him in a room by himself.
You ran in the room and ran up to him.
" Merry Christmas Ryuzaki!" You say, hands outstretched, handing him a box with cake covered wrapping paper.
He looks at you surprised, but then smiles.
Your cheeks turn pink as you rub the back of your neck.
" Thank you (L/N), that's very considerate of you." He says and begins to unwrap the present.
Inside the box were homemade sweets.
" I made those myself, so I hope you enjoy them!" You say and laugh.
He eats one of the cookies and smiles.
" Delicious. Thank you!" He says and eats the rest of the cookie.
" No problem! I say we go back into the main room before they start to miss us." You chuckled at the thought and walked to the door way.
L walked and stood there with you until Misa yelled,
" (Y/N) AND L ARE UNDER MISTLETOE! MISTLETOE!"You both look up and blush.
" KISS, KISS, KISS!!!" Misa yells, Matsuda and Light soon joining in.
" A-Are you okay with this (L/N)?" L asks. You nod your head yes.
L cups your cheeks and presses his soft lips against your slightly chapped ones.
You close your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck.
You soon pull apart and look into each other's eyes.
Misa and the rest of Task Force is going crazy.
L pulls you into his chest, giving you a hug.
You're smiling like a mad man as you whisper to the black haired man.
" Merry Christmas L."
(A/N): I know that this was a short oneshot, but I hope you liked it! Happy holidays from author!)