L X Sick! Reader
(F/F) - Favorite flowers
I don't know how I got a fever, but somehow I did. Enjoy the oneshot!😀
" I'm gonna die." You say and blow your nose for what felt like the hundredth time.
" You are not going to die (Y/N)." L says and hands you another box of tissues.
" Yes I am." You cry and wipe your nose.
L sighs and walks towards you.
He touches your forehead.
" You have a high fever, that's all." He says and continues to work.
He had stayed home to help you when you were sick, but he didn't know how out of it you were.
" As long as you take your medicine and drink plenty of fluids, then you'll be fine in 2 days tops." L explains, drinking his tea.
" Since I'm going to die, bury me in my favorite colors please! Make sure theres (F/F) too!" You say, completely ignoring L and continuing your rant on how you're dying.
" You're such a child." L says and throws you a water bottle.
You laugh and thank him for that water.
You look out the window and grin.
" It's raining. Go pretend you're Georgie and lose your boat in a storm drain." You tell him.
" I'm quite certain you've lost your mind." He tells you and goes back to looking at the computer screen.
" Beep beep Richie." You laugh. You couldn't stop and eventually your laughing turned into a coughing fit.
" (Y/N), please stop."
" Beep beep Richie."
" (Y/N-"
" (Y/N)! Please let me work!" He yells at you.
" That was rude." You say and pout at him.
L sighs and looks at you. " Just take your medicine." He hands you two pills.
" Thank you Richie." You say and swallow the pills.
" L. My name is L, not Richie." He laughs a bit and goes into the kitchen.
'If they're going to be having medicine, I should probably make them something to eat.'
L thinks to himself.
L wasn't the best at cooking but decided to try his best for them.
He ended up making chicken-noodle soup.
" (Y/N), come and eat!" He yelled from the kitchen.
He heard the bedroom door open and close, followed by heavy and slow footsteps.
L turned around and saw you wobbling back and forth.
" You are quite sick aren't you?" He asks.
You nod and sit at the table.
You let your head smack into the table. The glass of water on the table slightly swayed and the table shook.
" If you continue to do that, you'll get a concussion." L says and places a bowl of soup in front of you.
" Thank you." You say and pick up the spoon.
" Eat and then you can take a nap while I work." L says and hands you a napkin.
You nod and continue to eat.
After about 20 minutes, you finally finished and were about ready to pass out.
You go back into your room and see L typing away at the computer.
" Thank you for taking care of me L." You say and give him a hug.
" No need to thank me (Y/N)." He says and hugs you back.
" Enjoy your nap. I hope you feel better afterwards." He smiles and hands you a blanket.
Flopping onto the bed, you wrap yourself into the blanket and close your eyes.
'I'm so happy L took care of me. Maybe I won't die after all.'
You think to yourself and smile.
You were feeling better already.(A/N : I know this was short, but it's like 2:05 in the morning and I just took my medicine so I'm like 3 minutes away from passing out😭 I'll be sure to fix any spelling or grammar mistakes tomorrow!)