Chapter 12

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"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom."
— Søren Kierkegaard


"What are you two doing in here?!" Snarled a vaguely familiarly voice.

Draco and I froze on the spot, not daring to move a single muscle. My heartbeat increased in fear of the unknown, pure utter fear of who could've possibly walked in on us.

I cluelessly turned around.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.


I immediately grabbed Draco's wand from the floor and cast a stunning spell at Filch.

In a flash, Draco motioned for me to follow him. I obeyed and followed Draco.

As we walked passed the unconscious figure sprawled across the floor, I aimed another spell towards him.


Cold air whipped our faces as we exited the changing rooms in a disorderly manner.

A couple of our teammates were still at the pitch talking among themselves, completely oblivious to the circumstances that we encountered moments before.

Well, not that I was complaining.

Thank god no one else witnessed the horrific scene, they would've had to bleach their eyes out multiple times.

Mouths were agape and eyes wide as the remaining team looked at Draco and I with a mixture of pure shock and confusion.

Did they know...?

"That sure was a long changing room tour Draco, did you get distracted along the way?" Mocked Pucey.

"Oh shit." Draco muttered under his breath, loud enough for only me to hear.

Draco gently grabbed my hands and apparated us to the Slytherin common room.

I fell into a deep sleep immediately when my head hit the pillow. My whole body was mentally and physically exhausted from last nights events, which was no surprise considering.

A gap in the curtains produced a streak of light to shine upon my skin in the early morning hours. I squinted my eyes open, holding a hand in front of my face to block the blinding light.

Reluctantly, I got dressed, brushed my teeth and headed to the great hall for breakfast.

Once I hastily ate breakfast, I travelled to my first lesson of the day, charms.

Laughing and chattering could be heard as I entered the busy classroom and took a seat. I felt a tap on my shoulder. To my avail, Draco stood above me. He was literally in all my classes, it was ridiculous.

He slumped into the chair next to me while saying, "Looks like you'll have to deal with me for even longer, eh?"

"I'm dying inside internally." I sarcastically replied, earning a chuckle to escape our lips in union.

"Welcome, everyone. I would like you to work on pages one hundred and thirteen to one hundred and twenty. In a week, we will be doing a charms test that will include the topics in the textbook. You are all allowed to talk, but please keep it quiet." Announced Professor Flitwick.

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