Chapter 17

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I'm going to die whatever you do, but I'm not afraid.
— Erin Hunter


It was all a blur as a pale, blonde man whisked me out of the vast area. An array of shades of green and blue swirled around me like a tin of paint being mixed.

The environment around me disintegrated into an unsettling darkness, a colossal building stood over me like a towering giant.

The Malfoy Manor.

Surrounding shrubs and trees shrouded any chance of light to shine through prominently; draped any availability of any source in remaining hope or felicity.

Clouds overhung the Manor, silence hovered in the air infinitely, coldness filled the atmosphere.

My heart began to literally burst out of my chest, each pound was an attempt to escape my body.

Flowers wilted under the cold brisk air; green grass quietly crunched underfoot, a result of the gloomy demeanour that seemed to emit from this dull mansion.




Each step I took led me closer and closer to my death bed. Well, that's what it felt like, anyway.

The gravel underfoot become drastically quieter as other thoughts clouded my mind; hanging over me, never leaving.

What if I get punished for running away?

What will they do to me?

Should I hex them and runaway?

Where's Draco?

I'm going to fucking die, aren't I?

I need to lea—


My morbid thoughts were interrupted by three loud knocks.

"I've got her!" Lucius boomed.

The door creakily stood ajar, revealing a dishevelled house elf; filthy rags draped off its fragile body, accompanied by wide, beady eyes that looked up at me pleadingly.

"Master—the Dark Lord would like to see you—and the girl—bring the girl, master."

The elf quickly widened the door for both Lucius and I to walk through.

I hesitated; stood there momentarily before I was forcefully shoved into the house, hands colliding against the floor.

"Get up, now."

Obeying his command, I picked myself up and followed Lucius, hallways were blanketed in long rugs and walls were scattered with paintings.

It was endless.


I stood in-front of the ajar door, it's hinges creaked eerily as it was widened. The room obtained a humongous table, which was situated in the very centre. All eyes turned on me; cold, glaring ones.

"Ahh, we meet again—Phoebe." Rasped a familiar voice.

I froze like a statue, glued to the spot.

"Your parents were worried sick about being discovered, did you even care to think about the consequences that they would face?"

To be honest, no, I couldn't care less; both being sociopaths and psychopaths doesn't help, either. It's hereditary.

"My Lord, don't you think it's time—for you know what?" Cackled Bellatrix menacingly with a wide smile.

"Yes—bring the girl here, now."

A harsh hand pushed me towards Voldemort; Bellatrix grabbed both of my hands tightly, preventing any movement.

"This should've happened a long, long time ago, you know." She whispered in my ear, tightening her grip on my wrists.

Voldemort drew out his wand and pointed it directly at my arm.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt."

It did.

It hurt so bad.

It felt as if someone was lighting my whole arm on fire; felt as if a sharp knife was carving into my skin repeatedly.

My vision become blurry, faces and objects became blurs of colour.

I saw a familiar figure sprint into the room, Draco. His startling shouts echoed around the room as he ran towards me, supporting my weak body and dragging me out of the room.

I had gotten the dark mark.


Yeahhhh shits about to get real
Btw she's not dead lol

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