Chapter 15

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It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
— Virgil





A dark shadow blanketed the Malfoy Manor, forbidding any opportunity of happiness to shine through.

Seven people were seated at the long table; frightened faces stared unwillingly at the pale man at the head of the table.

"How long has she been missing for, exactly?" Gasped Voldemort, impatiently waiting for a quick reply.

"Nearly four months—we didn't search for Phoebe because we didn't want to get caught by the ministry—you know what they're like, they'll have us locked up in Azkaban."

Voldemort turned his cold gaze upon Lucius; eyes slit and head cocked.

"Your boy, Draco—what if he knows something about her disappearance?"

The two Malfoy's trembled in their seat, pure fear was visible on both of their pale faces.

"I—I am not sure, my Lord." Mumbled Lucius.

"We're unsure where she has ran off to—"
Added Angela worriedly.

"Hasn't she always wanted to go to Hogwarts ever since she was little?"

Silence lingered in the air momentarily before a trembling voice spoke.

"My lord—are you implying that she's at...Hogwarts?" Narcissa quietly asked, anxiousness radiating off of her like a toxin.

A sickening smile was plastered on his face; flashing his rotting teeth. A ignorant laugh echoed around the room clamorously as Voldermort chuckled.

"Yes. I think it's wise to go there tonight, regarding the fact that it's a weekend."

"What if she's not even there, father...?" Andrew questioned.

"She will be. Lucius, you must go tonight and look for your boy, bring him here for questioning. We need answers."

Lucius reluctantly nodded.

"—And if Phoebe is there, even better."


Lucius decided to leave the Malfoy Manor late at night; in hope that he would be able to please the dark Lord by obeying his task. Apparation would be the easiest source of transportation to Hogwarts.

Bring back your boy.

A collage of colours swirled around Lucius as his new surrounding provided an array of different shades of green.

To his avail, the Slytherin common room was completely empty, not a single soul could be heard nor seen. Fluorescent green flames produced a sustainable warmth to disperse through the area, resulting in the room to feel cosy against the chilly air outside.

The unsettling silence was interrupted by a door creaking open, revealing a blonde boy.


Lucius eyes darted between the individual; eyes wide and mouth agape, bewilderment radiating off of his face.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Whispered Draco; obvious hatred lingering in the air.

"Draco, you need to come with me. Now."

"No." Draco snapped defiantly.

Lucius grabbed his wand from his pocket, threateningly pointing it directly at his son; eyes flashing a demonic red before adding, "Voldemort's orders."

The Malfoy Manors interior was all furnished and draped with dark colours, blanketing any source of light or colour to stand out.

The only sound that Draco could hear, was his own heart beating in sync to the thud of footsteps colliding against the solid floor.

Entering an ajar door, he first encountered the recognisable faces of Mrs and Mr Riddle; both sat there, a variety of undetectable emotions were plastered on their nervous faces. His mother was seated opposite them, now accompanied by her husband. Voldemort, at the head of the long table.

"Look what we have here, Mister Malfoy. What a surprise." Mocked the pale man, a sickening smile began taking place on his ghastly face.

The sound of a chair scraping against the hard floor was deafening, as the person responsible pointed a threatening finger towards Draco.

"Where is my daughter? You could get my husband and I caught, even worse, killed if you don't tell us where she is!"

"Why do you care." Draco audibly murmured.

"Don't you dare talk to my wife like th—"

"Now, now. Let's not start a fight, we don't want another dead body in this house, do we?" Voldermort snarled dangerously.

The whole room including it's participates became as quiet as a mouse; boiling anger protruded off of the three.

"Draco, come here." Rasped Voldemort.

Draco stood still on the spot, too scared to move a single muscle.

Lucius shoved Draco aggressively towards the horrifying man, his threatening gaze burning into Draco's soul menacingly.

"Boy, I must say, you are quite stubborn."

Draco remained silent.

"Where is the girl."

"I don't know."

"Well, looks like I'll have to send some of my most loyal death eaters to search the castle. They won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way."
Voldermort threatened.

Draco's facial expression and body language was more than enough to let Voldermort know that that wasn't an appropriate approach to the situation.

"That reminds me. I have a very important task for you."

He paused before continuing.

"Before the end of the year—I want you to let all of the death eaters into the castle through a vanishing cabinet. If you insist, research about floo networks, it'll help you with your task. Also—I need that headmaster of yours dead."

Draco began to uncontrollably shake; he shook in fear of disobeying the dark Lords commands. He shook in fear of loosing Phoebe, again.

"If you don't complete these tasks...there will be severe punishments for your family. I'll let Bellatrix sort that out."

He turned to face his father and mother. Seeing his mothers eyes prick with water and body tremble, was enough to make him realise that he had no choice.

At all.


Reallyyyyy sorry for the late update!
I will be varying from updating on Wednesday's and Sundays, or just Sundays. It really depends on my schedule!

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