Chapter 3

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"We are partners by fate. We become friends by choice."
— Jacquie McTaggart


Before I knew it, I was about to board the Hogwarts express. I had fortunately managed to buy all the essentials for my new school. It was frantic, families were everywhere in sight. Pushing and shoving to make sure their child was their top priority. But I had done it, undetected. Thank god!

I boarded the train, with my mini suitcase and my black duffel back each in one hand. Excitement was bubbling at the pit of my stomach, eventually travelling through my whole body. It was contagious, like a child's giggle.

I walked past the carriages, each contained a group of students huddled around whispering excitedly. Then I heard his voice.

"Oi! Hey! Chester, over here." The familiar voice shouted.

I turned around, I was met with his bleach blonde hair and his soulless grey eyes. My legs were carrying my body towards him, as if he was a powerful magnet. He indicated me to follow him to his carriage. I was very confused. Regardless, I followed him. He technically was the only person I knew that attended Hogwarts, so I guess I had no other choice.

As I entered the carriage, there were four other people sitting down. All staring at me intently. Honestly I was fucking scared, they sat there motionless not saying a single world. Their gaze was suddenly turned to Draco as he introduced me to them.

I sat down next to the only girl here, she greeted me with annoyance.
"I'm Pansy, you're new right?"

I nodded my head in fear. Were they dicks just like Draco was when I first greeted him?

I guess we'll have to find out.


As I finally settled in with the unfamiliar faces, the awkward silence was finally cut by Blaise Zabini. Or was it Blayne Zach? I'm pretty sure it was Blaise, but I had already completely forgotten.

"So, Phoebe. Why are you only attending Hogwarts now? Like, why didn't you join in the first year?" He asked curiously.

His eyebrows raised at me, as if they were signalling me to answer immediately.

I obviously had to lie, I couldn't say that I had ran away from my home because my parents had done some fucked up stuff involving Voldemort. I thought fast.

"My parents and I moved because of their work in the Ministry." I lied with uncertainty.
"Before, I attended Beauxbatons. But the girls there weren't to pleasant." I quickly added. Making it seem more believable.

"Well that sucks, Hogwarts is probably the worst place to be going right now." Blaise replied.

I knew that. That's why I escaped my house to attend Hogwarts, hoping that my parents would never suspect where I was.

The awkward silence continued, but was quickly cut by Pansy.

"Do you know what house you'll be in? By the looks of it, probably Gryffindor. Since you have the courage to wear that slutty skirt." Spat Pansy while looking at my short skirt in absolute disgust.

I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. This bitch had the audacity to call me a slut for what I  was wearing? I wasn't even trying to impress anyone, let alone their dirty pleasures.

"Jesus fucking Christ Pansy, can you please not be an absolute bitch for once!" Draco growled.

The atmosphere in the carriage was unbearable. You could literally smell the hatred intoxicating the confined area.

I excused myself from the carriage and made my way down to the bathroom. I was so focused on leaving and clearing my thoughts that I bumped into something hard unintentionally. I looked up to realise that I had bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were there - I'm really sorry, are you alright?" I apologised, speaking very fast.

I made eye contact with his green eyes, only to realise who I had bumped into.

Harry Potter.

Oh. My. God.

I apologised once again and could feel guilt churning at the pit of my stomach.

"No need to apologise! It's all good. The amount of times I have bumped into people by accident is seriously concerning." He chuckled.

I was relieved. Thank god.

"Oh how rude of me, my names Phoebe Chester! This is my first year at Hogwarts." I exclaimed.

"Oh hello Phoebe, my names Harry Potter - well I assume you already know that! It's great to hear that your attending Hogwarts!" Harry beamed.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" I suddenly became aware that I had been gone for quite some time.

"It was nice meeting you Harry, I'll see you around."

"Yeah, have a great day Phoebe!" Smiled Harry.

Wow, he was really nice! The first person I had met who was actually decent, compared to some people I have encountered so far...

I made my way back to the carriage when a tall figure towered over me...

"Hey, uh... are you okay?" Draco questioned.

I swear for a split second I could see a hint of worry plaster his face, but I brushed that thought aside as I knew how much of an asshole he could be.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess it just shocked me how much of a bitch she can be." I clasped my hands over my mouth. I had never talked shit about someone else to another person.
"Shit I'm sorry, that was rude of me!"

He began laughing. "Relax Chester, that's old news. That bitch is always trying to slip into my pants. She has a massive crush on me and it's painfully obvious, it hurts."

We both cracked a smile. I couldn't resist but to look at his adorable smirk. The way his lips seemed so soft and kis-
I quickly snapped out of my dirty thoughts and brought my attention to his grey eyes. They both locked onto mine like a padlock that was never to be broken.

But it was broken, the intimacy was interrupted by the trains abrupt halt. Our eyes quickly broke away and focused through the nearest window, a colossal castle stood right in front of me. It's body loomed over the train, casting a never ending shadow on the concrete. 

Our group descended off of the train, huddled tightly together as hundreds of other students began travelling towards Hogwarts.

I admired my new surroundings. Well, I tried to anyway. There were hundreds of students making their way to the castle, which made it difficult for me to see over their heads.


If you had to date someone from Harry Potter, who would it be?

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