Chapter 4

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"The excitement of dreams coming true is beyond the description of words."
— Lailah Gifty Akita


My anxiety was creeping throughout my body as I made my way into the large hall. I could feel my pounding heart bursting with anxiousness as hundreds of students began making their way to their seats. Smiles were plastered on everyone's face, while fear was plastered on mine.

Hundreds of candles illuminated against the stone brick, emitting a warm glow to flow around the atmosphere. A sense of warmth and contentment spread through my small figure, like an exploding firework.

Loud claps and cheers were to be heard as they echoed around the hall, ricocheting off the walls as a new student was placed into their house.

Now it was my turn. Eager eyes were all focused on me, patiently waiting to find out what house I'll be put in.

"Hmm, I see. A Riddle. Courageous and determined. But furthermore, cunning and ambitious. I know just where to place you!" The sorting hat mumbled, loud enough for only me to hear.


I jumped in shock at the hats booming voice. A deafening erupt of cheers and whistling indicated that they were delighted to welcome a new fellow Slytherin.

As I was making my way towards the table with a twinkle in my eyes and a skip in my step, I sat myself next to a few familiar faces that I had seen on my train ride.

"Welcome to Slytherin, the best house!" Beamed Blaise.

I giggled, returning a smile.

I attended my focus at the table, piles of delicious food began stacking upon each other. The smell wafting up my nose and travelling through my starving stomach, which growled to inform me that if I didn't grab a fistful of food and shove it in my mouth, my impulses might get the better of me...

"Someone's hungry eh?" Draco exclaimed with a smirk plastered on his face, while staring at me intently.

I looked up to be met with those mesmerising grey eyes of his and nodded enthusiastically, with a smile tugging at my lips.

"Draco bud, she wants to taste the food. Not you." Blaise joked. Causing us all to laugh hysterically. Except Draco, who was trying his best to look disgusted.


Once Dumbledore had finished his lengthy speech, we were then allowed to begin our feast. My stomach unfortunately, growling in between. Causing a few students to turn my way.

I grabbed as much food as I could possibly fit onto my plate, eagerly placing a variety of vegetables and meats like my life depended on it. Well, my stomach did.

The large hall was filled with excited chatter and laughing, which unlocked a new feeling of cosiness. A feeling that wouldn't of been expressed at my old apartment. Colours swirled around me as more plates of food replaced empty ones.

My eyes wandered around the tables, scanning the area for any familiar faces that might catch my attention.

And then I saw him. Harry Potter. He was sitting at the Gryffindor table, excitedly chatting with his two other friends. One being a brunette girl and the other being a ginger boy. I smiled to myself, he seems like a genuine person.

"Chester! Did someone glue your eyes onto Potter? You can't seem to take your eyes of off him." Snickered Draco.

I turned to face Draco and playfully rolled my eyes at him, while mockingly saying, "same goes for you Malfoy, I heard you can't take your eyes of off Harry without planning a way to make his life a living hell." This earned a snicker from both Blaise and Pansy.

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