The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Six

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Sorry for the wait but here it is, hope you like it.


Chapter Six

Rohanna's POV


"I wasn't scared" I argue with Kinsley, shoving a crouton in my mouth.

"Really? Then why were you screaming and clutching my arm? You cut of my circulation" Kinsley chuckles, flashing his million dollar smile.

I hmpph, taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper before answering him.

"Fine, I was scared. BUT that girl was crazy" I nibble on my pasta.

Kinsley and I went to see The Roommate.

We were going to see The Green Hornet, but unfortunately it was sold out. The Roommate was our back up.

Throughout the movie, I was screaming and clutching Kinsley in fear. You can't blame me. That girl was physco.

Kinsley has been making fun of me about it because before we bought our tickets Kinsley asked me if I would get scared easily. I said No and that was the end of that although movies like that freak me out.

Anyway when the first scary scene happened, I screamed and gripped his arm. This went on throughout the whole movie and when it was over, Kinsley decided to tease me about it.

Kinsley laughs and fishes his wallet out of his pocket.

He drops a couple bills on the table and walks off to pay for our food.

Sneakily, I switch the money Kinsley dropped and switch it with my own.

Kinsley has been refusing all day to let me pay for anything. By doing this, I'll just leave the money in his car and he'll think nothing of it.

I head over to Kinsley who is attempting to pay the bill while the waitress flirts shamelessly with him. Kinsley's body is angled the opposite direction, a look of disgust on his face.

I stand beside him, giving the waitress a look.

Kinsley and I aren't dating, but that doesn't mean I can't safe him from sluts.

The waitress glares at me and stomps off.

Kinsley shoots me a thankful look and finishes paying.

We leave Boston Pizza and stroll down the mall together.

We walk past a Jersey store. Kinsley smirks and grabs my arm, pulling me in beside him.

"We're going to a hockey game. We need jerseys" Kinsley declares leading me over to the far wall, covered in Jerseys for every team in the league.

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