The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Twelve

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  • Dedicated to The fans who stuck by my side while I took a break

Hello lovely fans!!

So this story is back!!! Yay!! I was really missing it!! This chapter isn't much, it's just getting me started. Enjoy!!!


Chapter Twelve

Kinsley’s POV

            Rohanna stares at the plain and empty room, her hands on her hips. Her brown hair is tucked up into a high pony tail with two pieces down framing her face. Her white short shorts have paint splatters across them; her pale purple shirt is tied back with a hair elastic. Her brown eyes sparkle with slight sadness and excitement. I smile at her beauty, knowing she won’t notice my smile.

            Rohanna and I have just finished packing up her things. She woke us both up super early this morning so we could pack her things and be out of here by lunchtime. It’s a fourteen hour driver from Ginger to San Antonio and Rohanna wants to get there before next Monday so she can register for school.

It took awhile, but together we managed to get her things packed up in a total of four hours. Rohanna hasn’t seen her mum since last night, and I think it’s taking a toll on her. No matter how many times Rohanna has grumbled about how happy she is we’re leaving and how she never wants to see her mother again, I know deep down she wants to see her one last time to say goodbye properly. Her last goodbye was hardly a proper one. Secretly -well not to me after last night I can now officially read her mind- Rohanna is hoping her mother won’t go out today and will stop by and beg her to stay. Not because she doesn’t want to live with me -she seems rather excited about that- she just wants to know that her mother actually does care about her. Although she knows that her mother has never cared since her dad left.

Yes, I feel horrible I found out about her father by reading her thoughts, but there isn’t much I can do about it if Rohanna isn’t strong enough to block her thoughts. Not like she knows about my mind reading or my being a werewolf. I also learned about who Blayden is, and now, I want to kill both her father and Blayden for what they did to her.

Her father left Rohanna and her mother two years after I left which would make Rohanna fourteen. They didn’t know he was running off to marry some slut by the name of Heidi, they thought judging by his note that he was going on a vacation for some man time, but when they got a wedding invitation in the mail, they knew what really happened.

Rohanna hasn’t told anyone that after her father left and her mother started being a partier, she wanted to die. She had thoughts of suicide under many other things in her mind. My heart literally stopped when I discovered that information, and I was suddenly overcome with a great anger. I wanted to hunt down and kill every one of the elders for making that stupid rule and keeping me away from my mate. I could’ve protected her from that pain.

I’m starting to worry for Rohanna and other people around me’s safety. I talked about WPMS once but I didn’t mention that being around your mate when you’re not mated makes you go insane. The type of emotion a werewolf gets is different, every werewolf feels a different emotion when they’re with their mate but their not mated. Although most werewolves mate the minute they figure out who they’re mate is. But in my case, the emotion is anger. I’m angry at everything and everyone, except for Rohanna because I could never hurt her if I tried. If I wait any longer before telling her, then I’m sure I’ll snap and she’ll get hurt. I’m terrified of hurting her, yet I’m terrified of her being scared or mad at me when she figures out I’m Kegi.

I also learned about Blayden last night. A guy she dated and was total in love with after she swore never to love again, cheated on her with her MOTHER. Apparently the dick couldn’t help it when he saw her. Rohanna would’ve never found out if she hadn’t of came home early to get her things for a sleepover at Genesis’s and found them naked on the couch.

I walk over to stand beside Rohanna placing a hand on her shoulder after hearing her thoughts of some form of comforting.

“You ready to go?” I ask timidly.

Rohanna nods, bending down to grab the final box. I roll my eyes, stepping in front of her, gathering the weightless box in my arms. I head for the door with the box in my arms, earning a frown from Rohanna clearly telling me that she could’ve done that without my help.

I smirk, carrying the box out to the car, dumping it into the back seat with the rest of them. I rub my hands together, reaching up to close the trunk. I turn to Rohanna, pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes.

“Ready?” I ask, cheerfully.

Finally, I’m finally bringing my princess home. And damn, does it feel good.  


Alright guys there it is. I won't be uploading this often because I've got other stories on the go, I will upload this though everytime I can. Don't worry I wont be taking a pause from this story again until it's done.

Song on the side, Leaving on a jet plane by: John Denver, very cool song check it out.





The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now