The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Eleven

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Heelllooo, it's been a while since I uploaded this story, sorry about that.

This would've been up sooner, but I kinda got myself into some HUGE trouble today, so I spent most of the afternoon in detention. Yayy *rolls eyes*. Teachers these days don't know how to deal with opinionated children like me. Oh well, they should know by now.

Anywho, enough about my horrible schools teachers, I'll let you get to the story. It isn't much, but it's something.


Chapter Eleven

Kinsley's POV

            Rohanna's body tenses, her sobs stopping, only silent tears flowing down her cheeks.

            "Wanna repeat that again for me?" Rohanna murmurs.

            I chuckle knowing she heard exactly what I said.

I hope she says yes. I'd do anything to spend more time with her, and if she lived with me, there would certainly be plenty of time. I'm worried that she'll say no. I don't want her to stay here with her mother and that creep from downstairs and I doubt Rohanna will want to either. But, if she refuses my offer to live with me, where will she go? A friends house maybe. If that were to be the case, there would be no more sleepovers together, and I enjoy these sleepovers.

            "You'll live with me" I repeat.

            Rohanna looks up at me shocked, nodding her head. "I heard you correctly then"

            I gaze down at her face expectantly. Please let her see yes. "So you'll live with me then?"

            Rohanna sighs. "You live like in the city don't you? Which means I'd have to leave Genny and Maggie, which would also end up in me finally getting away from my mum, so sure, if it isn't a problem?"

            I smile, holding onto Rohanna a little tighter to keep from springing from the bed and doing a happy dance. "No problem what so ever"

            Rohanna smiles softly, nuzzling her head further into the pillow, sniffling away the last few tears.

"I cried" She whispers to no one in particular. "I can't believe I frigging cried" She moans.

I slyly move my body closer to hers, giving her waist a soft squeeze. "There's nothing wrong with crying Cinnamon"

Rohanna turns her head slightly from the pillow to look at me, her face hard.

"I don't cry Kinsley. I spent too much time crying over my dad, and just as I was getting over that, Blayden worms his way into my life and most appalling, my heart. Then, he broke it. I spent weeks crying over that and I swore to myself that I would never cry over a boy or cry at all, ever again. Because crying, crying, is a sign of weakness"

My heart squeezes at the honesty in her eyes during her speech. She truly means what she's saying. It's her father's fault and that dick Blayden. Whoever he is, and whatever he did, he better watch his back. I'm coming to beat the living hell out of him.

            I lower my head to look into Rohanna's chocolate brown eyes. "Rohanna, crying is NOT a sign or weakness, it's a sign of someone being strong for too long. I do care if you cry in front of me, not in the way you think, in the way that when YOU cry I feel entirely useless. I can't do anything to keep you from crying, to make you feel better."

            Rohanna stares at me with her eyes wide, like she can't believe I've just said what I've said. I turn away, gazing at the wall, when Rohanna pulls my face back to face her. Tingles shoot through my brain, and Reggie (My Wolf) screams with happiness.

            "That is one of the sweetest things anyone has said to me, thank you" Rohanna murmurs, gazing into my eyes.

            My heart stops the minute her gaze meets mine, my whole body freezing. Whenever your mate looks in your eyes, you feel strange and tingly. Your finally able to read your mates mind and she yours. In my case, can be used against me. Luckily, as the alpha, I can block my thoughts from people without using up all my energy. Somehow, I don't think that'll be possible to use for my mate. She'll have no problem reading my mind, but I certainly will have issues keeping my thoughts from her.

            I fight against Reggie to keep him down, to keep him from lunging for her neck, to mark her and rip off her clothes to make the mating complete.

            "My pleasure Cinnamon"

            Rohanna sighs and snuggles into the bed, closing her eyes. "Night Kinsley" She whispers with a smile before falling into a sleep.

            I wait for a minute, staring at her face, and when she falls asleep; I peck her head bidding her good night with

            "Love you Cinnamon, love you like you never knew"


I've recently figured out that I prefer writing in Kinsley's POV. It's so much more exciting then Rohanna's. I also like Kinsley a lot better then Rohanna. Oh well, what do y'all think? Kinsley's POV or Rohanna's POV?

Song on the side Bed Of Roses By: Bon Jovi. Love that song, it's addicting. Check out Hinder's version also, it's pretty good. Ohh, another question for y'all, when did Hinder become an 80's cover band? I mean they've done Bed of roses and Take me home tonight, I'm pretty sure they've done more. Eh, I don't know. I have nothing against Hinder though, they're pretty sick.

Peace Honeybee's!!!!





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