The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter 2

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Hello lovely readers,

I'm going to get straight to the story cuz I worked super hard on this, in word its 14 page, so I'm hoping it's at least 4 on here.


Chapter Two

Rohanna's POV

            I cross my legs, leaning back against the bed post. I take a handful of all dressed chips from the bowl beside my bed and take a swig of Dr. Pepper to wash them down; my history book lay open on my lap with my notes and my pen beside it.

My phone buzzes, signalling a new text message. I check the name on the screen -Genny- then smile and answer the text.

Ro-Ro, Josiah's parents r out of town and he's having a party, u coming? -Genny


Josiah is Genesis's long time boyfriend. Those two have been attached at the hip since they were 4. Josiah's family is close family friends with Genny's, so they've basically known each other since birth. Only when they turned 4 did they actually start getting along with each other.

Of course, what time? -Rohanna


Pick u up at 7:30, Bring Maggie -Genny


Maggie and I were partners last year for a science project. Genesis came over that day while we were working on it and she met Maggie. Ever since, we've all hung out together.


Will do, see you then! <3 -Rohanna

I select Maggie's name and send her a text telling her about the party.

Maggie might be mute, but she doesn't let it affected her life. She wants to live her life they way normal teenagers do, it doesn't bother her that she's can't speak.

When she's around Genny and I, we do the talking for her. Most times we read her mind, or she tells us in sign language or writes it down on her dry erase board. However if Genny and I aren't there, she uses her dry erase board.

Party? Heck yea I'm in, what time? -Maggie


Lool, be at my house by 7:25 <3 -Rohanna


I chuck my phone somewhere random and check the time.


I still have time to study for my test tomorrow. Luckily, I have no problems in History, its Math that I have problems in. Oh well, I'll probably be spending the night at Genny's, and Maggie will obviously be there, so she can help me.

Maggie is a math wiz. She knows everything and anything about Math. Her dad is a Math teacher at the University, so he taught her everything she knows. Because of this, she's like at University level Math, which doesn't seem to bother her and its incredibly helpful for me.

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