The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Rohanna’s POV

“What the hell?” I squeak, pointing at Kegi. “Your suppose to be dead”

Kegi shakes his large black head, “I know”

I throw my hands over my ears, “No, don’t talk, you’re not suppose to talk”

Kegi stands from the ground, nudging my leg with his head, “See that’s the thing. You looked into my eyes, and now I’m able to talk to you”

“Stop” I screech, “You’re a wolf your not suppose to be able to talk”

Kegi gazes up at me with sad brown eyes, “I’m sorry Rohanna”

My knees give out sending me tumbling to the ground. I cup my face with my hands, shaking my head as tears stream down my face. Again with the crying.

“Why did you leave?” I gasp.

“Too protect you” Kegi murmurs.

I stand from the ground suddenly, glaring daggers at him. I back away from him.

“Leaving me did NOT protect me” I hiss, storming around to the front of the house.

“Don’t leave please” Kegi pleads in my head.

“You’ll see how it feels now, although I’m sparing you. I had to endure your absence thinking you were dead, you know I’m not dead”

Kegi says nothing; a low whine rings in my head. I rip open the front door, stomping into the house. I slam the door shut, not caring if I’ll wake anyone. I run up the stairs to my bedroom, tearing open the bedroom door I fling myself towards the bed. I end up miss judging my distance from the bed and it results in me crashing to a heap on the floor.

A sob rips out through my throat against my will. I curl myself into a ball, burrowing my face into my hands. I rock myself back and forth, crying myself to sleep.

Kinsley’s POV

I’m watching her go again. This time I can stop her, but does she want me to? No, she is walking away willingly. I’ve done enough today.

I ran out of the room after she was safely locked away in the bathroom. I couldn’t stay in that room after seeing her naked. If I didn’t get out of there, Rohanna would’ve had some problems. I can control myself somewhat, but how easy do you think it is to control yourself when you see the one you love naked? Pretty damn hard. Unless she wanted a huge wolf in her room, or me taking her by force, then she’s luck I ran.

I stare at our balcony just of the bedroom. I hear her cries, and they tear through my heart. I whine low in my throat, turning away from the house. I can’t stay here and listen to her cry if I can’t go in there and comfort her. She wouldn’t want Kinsley or Kegi in there now; we’re causing her this pain.

I turn towards the woods, taking off at a run. I rip through the tress bursting through the woods. I throw my head up in the air and howl loudly. If she needs me, she knows where to find me. For now, I’m staying here until I’m not causing her a lick of pain.

Rohanna’s POV

            The sun streaming in through the window shines in my face, waking me from my sleep. I tilt my head towards the window savouring the sun, lying sprawled out on the bedroom floor. I slowly open my eyes, gazing out the window at the woods.

            I rub the sleep and the crusty tears from my eyes, slowly standing from my position on the floor. I yawn, stretching my arms above my head. Turning away from the window, I head into the bathroom for a shower grabbing a towel from the pantry on my way past.

            I spin the taps, stepping under the warm spray. I wash my hair and my body quickly, wrapping a towel around my body as I step out. I plug in my blow dryer before heading out into the room to pick out an outfit.  I pull out a long pink and purple summer dress with black covering the breasts and little black flowers down around it. I pair it with a pair of pink wedge sandals.

            I pull the dress on over my legs and fasten on my wedges. I head into the bathroom starting to blow dry my hair. I leave my hair naturally wavy, but pull back my bangs with a pink headband that has a little bow on the side. I brush on some make up and smooth on some peach lip gloss.

            With a final look in the mirror I march back into the bedroom, grabbing my purse. I dig through my purse on my way down the stairs looking for the babysitter flyer I took from the mall the other day. I pull it out of my bag with a smile, reaching into my purse again to pull out Kinsley’s car keys. I also pull out my phone, calling the people to let them know I’m coming. An elderly neighbour answers the phone and promises to pass the information along to the Cain’s.

            I clip clop down the stairs heading straight out to the Hummer not bothering with breakfast. I hop into the hummer with great difficulty because of my heels and back the large truck out of the driveway, tapping in the address into the GPS. The address flashes on the screen and the GPS gives me directions to the house.

            I race down the highway humming along to the radio. The sun beats down onto my bare shoulders from the wide open sun roof and my hair blows out all over the place. I find the house pulling into the driveway behind a silver mini van. I shut off the car, chucking my keys into my purse. I step from the car, slamming the door behind me I make my way up the drive way.

            I rang the door bell, hearing it echo throughout the house. Thumps and shouts came from the other side of the door and it took so long for the door to open that I almost turned to leave. And when the door flies open, that’s exactly what I do. I bolt into the woods.

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