chapter 06

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Shivaay who had heard his name from her mouth he look at his friends who were standing besides him and run towards where the voice come from. He come near pool side and saw loads of people standing surrounding it. He pushed them away and move inside and next second he got terrified when he found her drowning in water of batter to say her body is singing in it

Shiv. How can you be so cruel people. Here someone is dying infront of you and instead of helping you are watching it like a bitchy spectators. He screams glaring all of them and jumped in the water without thinking anything. He immediately lift up Her in his arms and brought her out making her lay down on the edge of pool.

Shiv. Anika he pet her cheek but there is no movement in her. She is laying lifelessly all wet in water

Shiv. O god.  Anika open your eyes.  He shakes her rub her hands. But still she is not moving.

Shiv. No no no no Anika no don't just don't unknowingly a tear fell from  his eyes when he felt her pulse which is so slow.

Shiv. Anika get up plz. He remove her shoes and rub her feet to give her warmth but seemes like nothing is working over her.

Man. Give her cpr yar.  Must be water stuck in her lungs.

Shiv. Yh yh im I'm giving her wipes hos face and crashed his lips with her.  He felt so different when her lips attached with her. He just wanna suck them till end of his breath. They are so soft and delicious.  But right now he kept his desires apart and blow in her mouth to give her some breath. Suddenly Anika jerked up and throw all water out coughing badly.

Shiv. O thank god Anika you are ok.  I was so worried for you. He spoke pulling her tiring body in his arms caressing her wet here.  But that poor soul didn't react and closed her eyes shivering badly. Her lips has turned blue infect her skin god curled up because of being wet  in water for so long.

Shiv.  You are safe Anika you are safe.  Calm down. 

Shivaay bhiya I

Shivaay  give Anika to rudy who is in subconscious state and placed a tight slap on her face making everyone to cup their faces

Om. Shivaay what you doing

Shiv. Ask you bloody wife who has pushed Anika.

G.  I didn't do anything I just

Shiv. O really but I don't think so anyone can do this except you because you are the only one who had so enmity with her.  These are just spectators but you are here who can do this only.

Om. How can you say this shivaay when you didn't see my wife.

Om.  Om  for god sake open your eyes and look around. I don't think there is anyone who knows Anika. Gouri I'm warning you  stay away from her. Otherwise you will see worst side of mine

G. If you have so much care for her then why did you leave her for three years. You must had been with her since you got married. You can't blame us or take our anger over us when you does same thing with her mr shivaay singh oberoi. 

Shiv.   Youuu

Om. Gouri shut up and shivaay you calm down and take Bhabi away from here. And you gouri let's go from here

G. But I

Om.  Shut your mouth and let's go. He hold her wrist and dragged her with him feeling so much angry on shivaay who slapped his wife.

Shivaay look at anika and lift up Her in his arms with the help of rudra who kept her head properly on his shoulder

Ru. Take her home bhiya as soon as possible otherwise she will get badly ill. Shivaay nods and left from there along with anika who is still in his arms.

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