Chapter 40

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Happy 40 chapters 🥀🥰

Anika got up after a long sleep and found herself in his office bedroom instead of their home.  But how come she cAme here. She don't remember anything about it. She make confused expressions and  got up from the bed slipping in her shoes. 

Ani. Shiv she calls his name and come out from the room with slow steps

Shiv. My princess got up. He gave her million dollar smile as he saw her coming out from the room. He march towards her and placed  kisses on her head

Ani. How did I come here.  Wasn't I at home

Shiv. I didn't want to leave you alone so thought to get you with me. Anyways tell me what would you like to have

Ani. I'm not feeling hungry but I'll have tea

Shiv let me ask mishra to get it

Ani. No it's ok I'll get on my own you don't worry

Shiv. Baby you are not well

Ani. I'll handle it shivaay don't take tension infect if you want I can get you coffee as well

Shiv. Ok but be careful don't need to walk fastly. 

Ani. Don't worry I'll be fine she peck his cheek and left from there leaving him smiling

In canteen

Anika is making her tea when group of office workers surrounded her making her suspicious

Ani. What's the matter Do you need anything. She spoke in her soft voice without knowing their attention but next second her smile faded when they jerk coffee mug from her hand scattering all Around the floor.

Girl. You seems very innocent but in actual you are not.

Man. The way boss cAme carrying her in his arms it's shown that what she is giving him in return of his affection and love

Man2. How many nights you have spent with him. Did he satisfy you or you want me to do properly. No doubt you are super hot. He smirks looking at her tip to toe

Ani. Let me go she sobs and try to go but one of boy hold her arm and pulled her back making her hit her back with wall.

Man. Where are you going. Stay here. My talk didn't finish yet. So tell me what's your price I guess I earn enough to pay you. He whispered in her ear running his hand on her arms smirking evilly. Anika started crying in middle of their group she is trying her best to move away but every-second her anergy is going drain. Suddenly she whoops when one of them grab her face and about to kiss her when a loud growl echoed in there.

G. Sir they all got frightened when they saw shivaay standing with blood shot eyes. Literally blood is dripping down from his eyes. He just march towards them and hold the boy who was trying to touch Anika and drag him on the floor without showing him mercy. He hold his collar and started placing punches on his face without showing mercy over him

Shiv. How dare you. How dare you misbehave with my wife. Who the hell gave you permission. He growl placing punches and slaps on his face. All people are just standing like clowns being sweaty in frightened state no one cAme ahead to stop him or save that guy from his wrath

G. Wife she widen her eyes looking at anika who is crying hysterically sticking with the wall. But one more shock hit her when her eyes fell on her womb which is popping out little from her dress showing she is pregnant

Shiv. Tu meri biwi ki touch Kara ga tuuuu he roar like lion kicking his stomach which made him scream in pain and in end he fell unconscious. Shivaay about to beat him more but Anika's voice stop him

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